Saturday, August 22, 2009

Going on a ...

"...Berry Hunt, Going on a Berry Hunt, Gonna pick some juicy ones, we're not scared... What a beautiful day!"
5 dollars to the first person who can tell me where that came from... Danielle you can not guess!
(j/k on the 5 dollars)

Friday Nathan came home 2 hours later than expected because he had flight issues that apparently were his fault, and apparently kept him and everyone else from flying to Cincinnati. Luckily he lived and they sent him back to Denver via Atlanta.

The kids and I packed up the van and headed to the bus stop to pick him up because well airport parking is ridiculous and we live so close to the airport that the bus is the better option.

We went to Berry Patch Farms and went Raspberry picking. If anyone EVER wants to go with me I live super close and my kids are dying to go back. In fact - I think next week while Nathan is in New York (yes he will be gone again) I am going to go get strawberries if anyone wants to join me.

I should also say that I will have seen my husband a total of 9 working days this entire month and next month doesn't look good either. I know I shouldn't complain because others have had their husband gone a lot longer in the military but it's my blog and I think it totally sucks! I would rather have him gone 2 months total then here and there scattered throughout the is really hard on my kids. Okay, now on to our Friday adventure.

Scarlett took a backseat in the baby camping chair I brought...she loved it.
Lucas wanted to be the first one picking the berries.
We picked 2 sunflowers.
My studly hubby teaching the kids which ones to pick.
Because it is important you pick the red ones.
This is what it looks like when the berry is off.
I never knew raspberries grew like that!
Bridget was eating them as she was picking them.
Lucas was so happy he could do it himself.
Scarlett is looking for the higher berries...the ones the kids couldn't see.
We also grabbed some carrots.
We also picked up some rhubarb, potatoes and onions. Delish!
It was a good afternoon with Daddy. We slurped on some Sonic Slushies on the short drive home. It was totally awesome!
I forgot to add that there were a lot of farm animals roaming about and the kids got to pet them and feed them too. Then as we were leaving a stinking rooster was chasing ME to the van..I will admit...I SCREAMED!


The Cleverley's said...

I want raspberries in a bad way! Ryan makes homemade raspberry ice cream that is TO DIE FOR! I would be all over getting raspberries.

Hannah said...

Oh, if only we could all go to blueberry hill. But wait isn't that where Swiper lives?

Brittney and Michael said...

I think that sounds fun! I'd love to go sometime with you guys.

Angie Marshall said...

Brooklyn and I went there last year on a preschool field trip! SO FUN!!!

konstance said...

We would love to meet you there sometime, I'm just a short skip down the rd from Berry Patch Farms.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.