Sunday, August 16, 2009

Knights and Naps

We had quite the weekend. Lucas went to Natalie's and got his first big boy hair cut...
He has had several cuts before this a #3 all around but this was the first professional cut..with scissors! Hahaha.


Scroll down to see it from the front...
I have to say that I LOVE it, and he was sad no one at church told him if they liked it or not, but I told him that he was so handsome they didn't know what to say about it and he giggled about that. Nathan thinks it is a military cut but it isn't - its just short and I'm the mom and that's how I like it!

We then went to Jerry and Julie Blackburn's was at the Arvada Center. One of my favorite things at the Arvada Center is the giant dragon. Nathan had to prove his charming-ness and be my knight and slay that!?

I am glad that everything worked out with the dress thing and we were able to just enjoy the Jerry's double reception with Ryan and Veronica and Chuck and Lue. Even though Veronica had to remind me that the cider was non-alcoholic...weddings just get me in such a silly mood. Hehehe. Minus all of the jokes Jerry and Julie were so cute (funny how I didn't get any pictures of them) and it was a great night away from the kiddies. It also reminded me of when it was just the four of us RV and NV before we had kids. :) Thanks to my inlaws for taking my hoodlems!

Now on to Sunday. I had Ward Conference so Nathan brought the kids to church ready for my inspection and he did a great job! I only had to do Bridget's hair when they arrived. My class went well (which I am ALWAYS worried about) and then it was time to come home...I was preparing dinner and noticed the silence that was in my house...

I love Sunday comas...don't you?
(PS - Lucas, Bridget and Nathan ALL sleep with one eye open, I am totally serious here)
(Click on Bridget and you will see)

Then the kids opened a fun letter from Grandma Horn oh and Grandpa too.
THEY THOUGHT THIS WAS SOOO COOL. Lucas said "I got mail not for my birthday!"

It was a fun weekend, and next week promises to be eventful...stay tuned!


Jami said...

Ok, that's one-eye-opened thing is just creepy. LOL So cute how they're all asleep, even Scarlet! :)

The Rogers said...

Yeah, I think it is creepy too. Funny story. So yesterday I saw Jerry at our ward. He and his wife are in our ward, along with Joe Hogan, David Haun, Jessica Burton, and Stephanie Russell just moved out. It is like the singles ward moved to our ward. Weird!!!

Veronica said...

I love Lucas' hair! Please tell him Noah and I think he looks very handsome! Thanks for hanging out with us at the reception. It was very fun, my silly friend!

shana said...

That's so fun that Jerry got married. Hooray. :)

Druciana said...

It is alway so nice to get a night out without the kids.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.