Sunday, August 23, 2009

OST's Multi-Cultural Event?!?!

My husband's company had their company picnic Saturday. I was going to help them with their planning and running of this fun event but because Nathan has had to travel so much it ended up being easier for me to not help this year. Which is TOTALLY fine, because for once in my life I get to attend a party and actually enjoy it! :)

So it was at Congress Park this year and they had told everyone it was Luau themed which is a real shocker since everyone and their LDS mom has had a Luau in their ward this year featuring the Schwalgers who are in our ward. All I can say is that I am so glad that we had our Luau first because it seems like everyone followed in our footsteps! :) hehehe.

I know what you are thinking, your title is Multicultural but you just said it was a Luau. Well, everyone from the office was in Luau attire but they catered Mexican food and there was some kind of bagpipe practice on the left fields so we had a party for all sorts of people! Lucas said to me when the pipers started piping "What is that horrible sound?" I told him that it was the bagpipe and he said he never wanted to play one. I agreed with him, he will never be chubby enough to carry and blow into one of those crazy things! :)

On to the party...
This is Nadine (the owner of OST)
Everyone loved the kids. Scarlett was being passed around and was a huge hit with the preteen crowd. Boys included.
They had several games and prizes for the kids.
They split them up into categories 13-10, 9-7, 6-4, and the Wittes. Ha ha.
They also had games for the adults. Scarlett was happy in the camping chair.
Then the water balloons broke out, and at OST you have to be careful because they have no mercy when it comes to drenching you with guns or water balloons!
If you can see Bridget stepped on a water balloon and it totally went up her back all over her shirt and hair! She acted like she hated it but totally loved the attention.
Here we are watching the crazy "adult games" that they had prepared for each department.
My husband did not disappoint...his team won 3 games! He was so concentrated on winning his tongue is sticking out! Stand back ladies he is mine! LOL!
There was popsicles and ice cream before the volleyball tournament.
Bridget won the glasses the ball and the lei!
Lucas was demonstrating his climbing skills till he reached the top and didn't know what to do!
Here are most of the OST kids. They were contemplating making a label for baby Witte #4 and slapping it on my shirt in the tummy area since Nathan wrote on the RSVP form Baby #4 not here yet. It was funny to everyone except me.
And of course mine are the cutest...
They had 2 professional photographers there so I didn't take that many but I will for sure post the pictures when I get them, I know one photographer was laughing at all of Bridget's poses so we will see what turns up.

We are truly blessed that Nathan has a job where he is not only appreciated and valued but he is liked. No seriously they actually like him! :) (I only say that because people at previous jobs don't seem to get him) He is very good at his job and they all are very happy to have him there.

Can you tell Lucas loves his daddy?
I think I still like my pictures that bad?
We have one more photographer pictures that we haven't seen yet so stay tuned.


Melissa said...

Sweet camping chair for Scarlet! Where'd you get it?

Cardon Times said...

Looks like fun. I love the bagpipes and Aaron wants to learn to play them one day. He even has the chanter to start learning! I guess he can be chubby enough to carry it around.

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

Nope just 3!

Angie BBC said...

Your hair looks so good! You are one beautiful momma with 3 (someday 4 LOL) beautiful children.

Druciana said...

That sounds like a lot of fun!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.