Thursday, August 27, 2009


I have a love hate with popsicles. They are messy, they are sticky and they are messy. I will admit I don't like giving them to my kids but this summer every house we go to people offer them to my kids and I just can't seem to say no to those faces that look up at me and say Pweese?

I bought some for the first time and you know what. I like them and the mess doesn't bother me that much. So today we ate popsicles on my porch and counted the cars that drove by at 3pm. The total was 4. Oooh.

We also read the jokes and saved the sticks!

"What has two banks and no money?"
"A River"


Cardon Times said...

I too love/hate Popsicle's. So good and cool but so messy and sticky!

O'Berrys said...

I'm glad someone else feels the same way I do with popsicles. We eat them outside as well, usually along with playing in the sprinkler.

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

very cute!!!!

Chaney said...

I feel the same way, but actually gave in and bought them this year. Outside is the best place to eat them, unfortunately it's been too cold for most of the summer to eat them outside. So, I limit them to the kitchen and then mop afterward.

Jami said...

Have you tried the kind that come in plastic tube-type things? You know, like Otter pops used to? (Do you remember those?) They don't have a stick, you just squeeze the popsicle stuff up the bag as you eat it, kind of like Gogurt. Just a thought. They're not as, if at all, messy. OR you could make your own with real juice, fruit chunks, and use those plastic stick-things that catch the melty stuff and you can sip it out threw the attached straw device. Very cool invention. Maybe a boredom buster idea?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.