Sunday, August 30, 2009


I yell up the stairs:

"Bridget its time to put your shoes on for church" - V
She runs into her room.
Rustle, Rustle, BANG!
"I got it!" - B
"Hurry, or I am leaving you here" - V
"Mmm kay" - B

I go get her shoes and here she is...
She was very proud of this ensemble.
Until I took off the hat, the backpack full of underwear, the baby with the back missing, and the 6 pairs of underwear she was wearing under that dress.
While I did her hair she cried...
"Why Mommy? Why...I is so Pretty" - B

I told her we needed to look our best for church and she just said in the softest little voice.
"Oh, I want to be best" - B
The tears were just streaming from her little face. It was so sad.


Jen said...

Oh, so sweet. I love, love when they dress themselves - and come up with something as cute as that! It makes it hard though when it is Sunday and you can't really let them go to church that way!

Veronica said...

I think you should have let her wear it!

Reseda Cowboy said...

She obviously is a valley girl


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.