Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ward Campout

First I need to say that not having the Internet and a phone for a week totally SUCKS! Okay. I am "borrowing the Internet from my neighbor so I cad n post about our amazing ward camp out.

We had a great turn out this year! Our ward hasn't had a camp out in 5 years and being the Witte I now am thinks that this needed to change, so being on the Activities committee I managed to get it on the list. Little did I know that they would release Courtney a month before the camp out and call me a new committee the Sunday before the camp out so I was on my own!

There were 26 families and 122 people. The night was cool and not too bad, we were able to eat dinner under the lit pavilion and eat S'mores and Dough Boys and jiffy pop by the fire pit and after a closing prayer we were hit by an intense rain. Everyone ran to their tents to stay dry through the night to wake up to puddles and craziness through the morning (1 a.m.) It seemed as though everyone was awake at this hour. All of the adults were up making sure my husband was okay (he had an attack) and I have to say I was touched by the love and support the ward showed to me and my family. Any way...the rain left and we had a chipper start to the morning where people greeted each other dirty and wet by the fire pit. We had 10 dutch ovens full of Roscoe's Breakfast Casserole which we turned into breakfast burritos...which my in laws handled. I am so glad they came and cooked for the ward.
There was plenty to go around. The funny thing about breakfast was that it took longer than expected but luckily for us the sun came out and dried up most of the tents so packing them up was a breeze. After breakfast everyone mingled and talked for a while and we split up into games.
It was a great activity and it was so great that everyone pitched in and helped make it so memorable.
This is Lucas hanging out with the CTR-6 kids. He told me he could be with the big boys because he wore underwear and could pee in the nature all by himself.

This was half of what came out of the van...
When we were there the kids ran in the rain and LOVED it.

We saw some animals!

Scare-Bear was warm and snug...

Bridge watching the people put up the tents.

Warming by the fire.

The kids climbed up to the top of Rock Mountian all by themselves!

Then played with Keegan for a while.

Scare-Bear had a turn too!

Then it was S'more time.

This was Lucas's first time roasting and eating one that he made all by himself.
Bridget swallowed a few marshmallows whole before roasting the one on her stick. The kids LOVED this part of camping, and that all of the kids were together shoving face!
The kids slept hard and through the night even through all of the commotion, and Scarlett was the perfect baby the whole time, she'd smile and coo at everyone it made me so proud!

We had fun, I hope everyone did too!


Brittney and Michael said...

That looks so fun, Valerie. We really should have tagged along (I'm an honorary member of your ward, right:). What kind of attacks is Nathan having?

Kathy said...

We had agood time. Thanks for all the hard work.

Auntie Stef said...

Finally, the suspense has been killing me! They look like they had a great time. Next time I come we are making smores. MMMMM.

Jami said...

I'm curious about Nathan's attacks, too. I'm glad he's ok, though. (dude, don't leave us hangin' lol - Fill us in!) :)

Jen said...

Looks like a ton of fun!

Danielle Smith said...

I am glad that you all are alive and well! Thank you for using my nickname for Scarlett. My heart has been warmed and made fuzzy by this.

The Cleverley's said...

I love camping..... Although I have to say I am sorry you got rained out, that stinks.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.