Friday, November 6, 2009

8 months ... WOW

I can't believe my baby is 8 months!  She is SOOOOO mobile.

She loves to climb up the stairs

She also loves to walk from couch to ottoman, and if she is holding onto your pants she will walk around the room with you.  It is so funny because she laughs and laughs and laughs until she falls.

She has a perma-bruise because she is so mobile. This is her serious face by the way!

She is pretty much over the baby food, and loves Veggies, Ritz crackers, Cherrios, Yogurt and Nutrigrain Bars.

She is such a hoot to be around because her whole face lights up when she smiles and she just wants to be where everyone else is all of the time.  She also LOVES playing with hair, anyone who holds her will get a free hair playing session from her...hehehe.

One more week of Physical Therapy and she will be X-rayed again and I imagine she will be walking by Christmas, because she is well on her way!  She has gorgeous red hair and the cutest dimples around!  We all just love her so much.


Veronica said...

She is so dang cute!

The Cleverley's said...

What a sweetie! It blows my mind how quickly they grow and change in the first year!

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

What a cutie pie!

Jami said...

Physical Therapy?? What's that all about? She is so very cute! I think the only thing she and Quin have in common (comparing to your post) is the hair fetish. LOL Quin's not so mobile, other than scooting on his back in a circle. And he's still very stage 2 baby food (stupid gag reflex). I'm sure he'll follow suit with his bro and sis and crawl when he's darn good and ready. Until then, he'll just sit and play. Funny kid. I can't believe she's already walking! How cute that must be to see this itty bitty (ha no pun intended) person toddling around! Wish I could see it! :)

Danielle Smith said...

I bet she and Rozzy will both be walking at Christmas together. That seems to be how our kids are. She is adorable, btw. I am sure you already know that. Send her on over to my place for some good ol' fashioned hair playin'.

Jen said...

Too cute! Did I miss something? What is the physical therapy and x-rays all about? Hope all is okay...

Jami said...

Jen, unless Val tells you personally, she won't say what the physical therapy was all about... she likes to say things and leave people hanging.... LOL ;) Just teasing again, Val!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.