Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Do you remember last year this day?
(click above)
Well, I remembered and was determined to make today a better day than last year. So...

We woke up to some fun dress up play.
Lucas was saving us from our make-shift burning building.
I was Silver Mist and Bridget was Tinker Bell.
She prefers Rosetta but wanted the green skirt so there you go.

Lucas was of course "Lucas Ladders, Billy Blazes Fire Chief"
If you watch Rescue Heroes you know what I am talking about. But since the show aired in 1999 and only had 1 season with 27 episodes I doubt you have heard of it - it airs on Quibo and luckily for us we have every episode DVR'd.   If you have heard of the Imaginext toys for boys the Rescue Heroes were Fisher Price's inspiration, hence Lucas's obesssion with all things "Rescue"/"Hero"
Okay, enough of that.
Scarlett was "Jake Justice" or as we like to call her "Julie Justice"

Then we got dressed and headed out to the indoor play area in Broomfield. We love this place and it was free! Well it always is but it was especially fun because Nathan was there with us!

This was Scarlett's "again, do it again" face

We had a picnic lunch and then played Construction Worker...notice Bridget's hat? Yea that is how we know whose hat it who's. Mmmm hmmm.

Then I made Chile Rellenos and took a cute video of the baby.

Here is the DIRECT LINK to the video in case you can't see the whole thing.
It was a much better day this year!
I hope I didn't jinx tomorrow! Hehehe.


Danielle Smith said...

Awww! You guys are cute in all your dress-ups. I want to go to that indoor place play thingy place! Dang, Utah needs more of that stuff! I miss you! Can't wait until your anniversary!

Mary O said...

I meant a guy.

Mary O said...

Your family is so adorable. I hope to marry a fuy like Nathan someday.

Jen said...

I am glad that you had better day this year!!! That place in Broomfield looks like a ton of fun!

Veronica said...

I think fuy is right on! In fact that is how I am going to describe him from now on. BTW, you need to get your own dress up clothes. That skirt barely covers your neck!

momowinnie said...

Shut up Veronica...where is your blog?

This is her blog and she can post what she wants without humiliation from people like you. Some friend!That is what I thought.

Danielle Smith said...

Here here! I second that motion! Down with rude comments! Veronica is her sister in law even!!

Veronica said...

I am Val's sister in law and reserve the right to tease her whenever I want. I happen to have bought those dress up outfits for her little one and don't care what random whoevers say. Val can confront me herself if she doesn't like it. This is not directed at Danielle.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.