Monday, December 21, 2009

Arvada Christmas Nativity Pageant

This weekend we went to go see Grandpa Witte in the Arvada Christmas Nativity Pageant.  We needed to do something to get out of the house since Nathan was still not feeling well after Friday's episode.

At Church and at home we have been talking about what Christmas means and the story of Jesus's birth and they seemed to really get it, and this really helped with that.

It was all live action with singing and it was really a beautiful program.

Some of my favorite comments from the kids were...
"Why are we still looking at that baby?" -L
"Because we are listening to the music"- me
"But it will make him wake up and then he will start crying" - L
"It will be fine." - me
"Mommy, they don't have that baby wrapped up enough, it is very cold on my butt so that baby must be very cold" - L
"Joseph and Mary didn't have anything else o wrap him in" -me
"I can give him my jacket, I don't really like blue anymore" - L
"Shh, Lucas that is very nice, but there were no jackets in the olden days" - me
"What did Grandpa Witte do when there were no jackets in the olden days?" - L
"Lucas that was a very long time ago, please be quiet we are trying to pay attention and listen to the story" - me
"Okay, but I am just really worried about that freez-a-ling- baby up there." -L
"He will be alright." - me
Then he gave me a huge grin and a hug. I love that boy!

It was pretty cold on those metal chairs, but Scarlet was pretty happy to be outside and on Daddy's lap!

Then the Wise Men came and Bridget yelled 
"Grandpa's wearing a dress!"
Everyone around me laughed.

Grandpa Witte is on the far left.

When the Wisemen brought up the gifts, Lucas said...
"I don't know why any baby would want gold and funky scents...a firetruck is more fun"
It was such a nice program and Bridget and Lucas ran up and gave Grandpa a big hug, and then tried to take his crown. :)

The End!


Kathy said...

What a cutie Lucas is, glad you guys had a good time.

Laura said...

What a fun experience! Lucas is such a silly boy.

O'Berrys said...

Glad to hear it was a good program. We were going to go, but we were out with friends Sat and had Shane's dad over for dinner Sun. so too much to do.

katina said...

That is hilarious!! I agree that a firetruck is way better than funky scents!! :0)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.