Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas Dessert Social

Why do I worry about sign ups?  Why do I worry about attendance?  Why do I worry period?  My Ward always comes through, we ended up only having 15 signups for the Christmas Party and we had about 32 desserts show up.  I was worried about attendance because people complained about it being on a Friday night, and you know what  - we had about 170 there!  The Primary craft project was great, Santa was awesome and it was such a nice relaxed activity.  I love the ward when things happen like that!

I was worried my kids would feel neglected...

because I was running the activity, but Keegan took care of them...well the girls anyway! (see last nights post)

I was worried they wouldn't have any fun...

because the youth helped take care of them and they were fine!

I was worried about not getting any good pictures...

but I did of everyone AND my kids!

*funny story - Santa asked Lucas what he wanted for Christmas.
Lucas - "I really really want the GIANT 85 dollar firetruck that my mom says I can't have until I am bigger, like at least 5"
Santa - Wow, well if that's what your mommy says, then---(Lucas interrupts)
Lucas - "I know she is the boss"
Santa - That's right - but I know you are being a good boy---(Lucas interrupts)
Lucas - "I haven't even had an accident in years!"
Santa - (puzzled) Good for you Lucas! ...Now, Bridget what would you like for Christmas?"
Lucas - "She really wants me to have that firetruck Santa"
Santa - (hysterically laughing) Well she is a very nice sister
Lucas - "I guess so, excepts she is still in a diaper"

Thought I'd share that.

Lucas spread some Christmas Cheer, while Bridget caught up with her friend Camryn.

It was a great turn out, great desserts and we were home by 9:20...SCORE!
I am glad its over and ready to set up the Christmas decorations in the house...since we used OUR tree for the party! :)


Hannah said...

Lucas is hilarious!!

The Cleverley's said...

Way to go Lucas you've got the Santa thing figured out already. You are one smart boy!

Chaney said...

I think you need to come run our Activities. No one has an imagination here...and they do the same thing every year because "We've always done it this way". I think I'll ask to be in charge of Activities...okay probably not. Enrichment is enough right now.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.