Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Our Christmas Picture -2009

This is the picture we sent out this year. If you didn't get it, its because I didn't have your address because I sent out 98 this year!  If you want one next year leave me a comment with your address! :)

Here are their individual shorts, I think I did an okay job, the tripod pic of the 3 of us was the best of 4 Scarlett was being moody that day. What do you think?

These next few are my favorites because they are "out-takes" only some of my cards this year had them tucked inside! :)

Lucas is giving me bedroom eyes in this one! LOL

I love Scar's cheeks!

I mean really look at those cheeks!

Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Amanda W said...

Is that your new camera? I love the pictures, you should take mine next year!

Jen said...

So very cute!

Mandy said...

You do great work! Do you take Ryan and Veronica's too? How are they doing?

*jess* said...

great job! and i love the outtakes...PRICELESS. :)

momowinnie said...

I would also like to add that you look fabulous as usual and your kids are gorgeous don't you forget that!

momowinnie said...

I can't believe Veronica said that on your last post, she just doesn't get it. What was she trying to say? How rude.

Kathy said...

I love the Pics Val. Merry Christmas.

Angie BBC said...

You take great pics and I love reading your blog! Don't listen to the mean stuff!

Laura said...

Wish I lived there. You're fantastic! The outtakes are my favorite though.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.