Monday, December 7, 2009


Most people never click on the videos, which is fine you don't have to.  I just wanted to document my phlemy voice singing my kids songs. Oh and them singing them too!

Kid songs?  Why yes, each one of my kids has a made up song that Nathan and I made up when they were babies.  It was supposed to be a calm down song but it ended up being their own happy song over the years (3) enjoy - or don't.

Ahem. (See phlem in the throat) Here it goes.

Lucas's Songs
Are we going, to the Lukey-Lao
Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey-Lao
Everybody, do the Lukey-Lao
Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey-Lao

(not sung below)
We'll throw our hats right into the sea
and all of the Lukey's will come swimming to me
Are we going to the Lukey-Lao
Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey, Lukey-Lao
(Hookey Lao -Hawaiian song)

Also for Lucas
"I love Lu-cas
yes I do,
I love Lu-cas
how 'bout you?

Bridget's songs
I love Bridgey in the springtime
I love Bridgey in the fall
I love Bridgey in the winter when its cold out
I love Bridgey everyday...Hey!
(I love Paris in the Springtime)

Also for Bridget
I love Bridg-it
yes I do,
I love Bridg-it
how 'bout you?

Scarlett's Songs
Scarlett, the littlest Witte,
Scarlett, sure she's pretty,
Everybody thinks so,
Everybody knows so,
You are the cute-ie-st cute
(Lambert, the sheepest lion-disney cartoon)

Also Lucas's/Scarlett's Song,
A choo ma moo
A choo ma moo
A choo ma moo ma moo
(from veggie tales)

I needed to post them because now they all (except Scarlett) sings them, and LOVES them.
And I am sure those who have been to my house or in my van have heard these a time or two!

I love my babes, and music!


Kathy said...

Very cute. I love singing with my kids too. I'll have to sing you the frog slipper song some time.

Rachel said...

So funny. We have songs for Anna and Isaac too that have just evolved. I should document ours too before we forget.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.