Sunday, January 27, 2008

That yellow dress...

What could be better than running outside in our church clothes after church? Oh yeah, adding a can of Pringles to that picture perfect day. When I say picture perfect, I am not just talking about the 65 degree day we had in January, I am of course talking about Bridget's dress. I LOVE this dress. I found it before she was born and it was one of those dresses, that was all by itself, it looked so lonely! So I bought it. It was the first thing I bought for her after I found out that I was pregnant with a girl. The only thought I had about it was...I hope she isn't as pale as Lucas because yellow might not look so good an a red-head! Thank goodness she got my coloring because yellow looks just terrific on her! :)

I am obsessed with her hands. She plays with them all of the time. Click on the hands picture, and you can see how beautiful her hands are. She is something else! No day would be complete with out Lucas running, and falling and hurting himself in some way. Here are some pictures of his fun day, barefoot outside in January!!!! Remember this never happens in Colorado!

And me, picking up Lucas, giving him a kiss, and heading back was time to make dinner! By the way if you are wondering why we match...its because we always match on's a thing I like to do. Nathan and I used to match before the kids, and now I always buy church clothes that coordinate. Yeah I know I am weird.


brieanne. said...

oh I love that dress & I love that you guys match! too cute! something i miss about going to church with my sisters (my mom always put us in matching dresses - usually identical even though we weren't twins!). ps- glad to see you in blogland!

Emily S. said...

cute dress!!!
(visiting from Babycenter)

Krista said...

the picture on the left where Lucas is walking away is so adorable..great shot! I think its adorable how your family matches on Sunday. Too cute!! I like the yellow dress very pretty!

Anneka said...

I love the dress and love your scrapblog at the top! Looks great!
Anneka (BabyCenter)

Melanie said...

You have such adorable kids! and that dress is darling!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.