Friday, May 30, 2008

6 month shots!

I know Bridget is almost 7 months, but my schedule and the doctors schedule were never in sync so we got her in yesterday. You would never believe she had 3 shots in her thighs and one orally because this is how she looked an hour later...
... Like it had never happened! Bridget never cries when she gets her shots. She likes to see what's going on and then she's okay. I told the nurse to sit her up so she could see what was happening, and the nurse did, and she didn't cry. Lucas however had to leave the room because if he had seen what they were doing to his "Digit" he would have kicked the nurse! I can't tell you all how much Bridget smiles. It is rare to see her cry or be sad. All you have to do is look at her and your whole day will change. She is so sweet and beautiful and we are lucky to have her in our family.


Danielle Smith said...

Yay for Bridget! Still kind of weird she didn't cry, haha. Trying pinching her really hard and see if it makes her cry. Then you will know if it's a problem. haha.

Jen said...

What a cute little girl - look at that adorable smile :)

Veronica said...

Yeah, here is a good reason for you to stay at my house- I will actually have cute pictures of my kids like these instead of the ghetto fuzzy blurry ones I take.

Rachel_and_Asher said...

Happy babies are the best! We should totally have an all-nite game night! That would be fun and it might help make the night go by faster. ;)

Trista Hibberd said...

What a happy, happy little girl. My kids never cried either. But they weren't "happy" like she was! I'm jealous! I can't believe how big she is now. Man, how time flies!

Emily S. said...

ooohhhh! She just melts your heart!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.