Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hospital Stay

Lucas, poor sweet lil' Lucas. He wasn't sick on Saturday. He wasn't sick on Sunday. Then Sunday around 8:30 he started to cough. Monday he felt really hot but it was 85 degrees so we were all hot. I got some cough medicine because I thought it was a cold. Took his tempurature and it was 102.7 so I gave him a bath. All night he was up hacking and coughing. His eyes were puffy and he looked terrible. This morning he was up very early crying, and if you know Lucas he isn't a crier. He was whiny and asking for Mommy and he never does this either, I am happy to say that he is a very independent boy. Nathan took his tempurature at it was 103.2. I called the doctor to get him in and while I was on the phone with the nurse he fainted. He wasn't breathing really and I had to shake him to wake him. The nurse told me to go to the ER because he shouldn't be doing that and they couldn't get him in till 10am. (it was 7am) So I took him to go potty and his pee was steaming. I took his temp and it was 103.9 and I called Cindy my MIL to meet me at the hospital to help me with the kids.

When we got to triage he was shaking and couldn't even walk. He could only open one eye. I was trying not to cry but it was so hard because he was so miserable. They took his temp and rectal read 104. They quickly admitted him and he started to cry, he couldn't talk at this point and was really cotton-mouthed. They gave him some juice in a special cup and he slammed 2 cups of juice. The doctor checked him and couldn't find out what was wrong so they gave him some tylenol and ordered a chest x-ray because his breathing was not normal.

This is what he looked like after the tylenol...camera phone sorry...
So we went to X-Ray and he was quite the charmer with the X-Ray techs. He was in and out of sleep but he managed to woo them with his mad counting skills. They pulled out the big X-Ray machine and I said "Hey Look they are going to take a picture of you" and Lucas responded "cheese" in the most druggiest coma sounding voice. Then he thanked everyone and we went back to Grandma and Bridget in the room.This is Lucas modeling is hospital gown for Daddy since Nathan had just arrived at work. Lucas was happy to let me take pictures of him on my phone. See is druggy smile?

This is the Pulse-Ox they did on his BIG feet. They called it the glowy toe. His numbers weren't great but not bad enough to stay! YEAH! He watched some Elmo while we waited for the results. The doctor showed me the x-rays of Lucas's chest and his left Lung was full of mucus and junk. Lucas was diagnosed with pneumonia in the left Lung. Poor Baby!

He is on a few meds and will hopefully be okay in 10 days. (just in time for our big trip) Grrrrreat! And some may wonder how Bridget did for our 6 hour stay....well...let's just say Grandma works wonders on babies....

Please keep Lucas in your prayers, he's going to need them the next few days. :) Thanks!


*jess* said...

omg, i am so sorry for your little lucas! --however, he does look mighty cute in that hospital gown. he will definitely be in my thoughts. xoxo poor little buddy. :(

Melanie said...

Oh, bless his sweet heart! We will certainly keep him (and you) in our prayers. Here's hoping he'll have a very speedy recovery.

Amelia said...

so scary! glad they found the cause and he's on his way to recovery. LOL at your daughter passed out in her stroller. And saying "cheese" for the xray.

Laura said...

I just e-mailed you and then checked your blog. I'm so sorry. That is so scary. I did that with Kylie at 16 months old too. I hate feeling helpless as a mom. I hope he gets well soon! Poor little guy. You will all be in our prayers.

Laura said...

Okay I LOVE it!!! You're amazing. I'm not sure if you were changing things the same time as me because I finally figured out the template thing, but I really love the header. Thank you so much for doing that!!!

Auntie V said...

Poor Lukie Lau! I am glad he is doing okay. We missed you guys today!

Maymo said...

I hope Lucas is starting to feel better now!! Bridget is so cute zonked out like that

Jen said...

Poor Lucas... hopefully he will be feeling better soon. You guys take care!

Trista Hibberd said...

Oh, poor Lucas. Emily asked about him today and so I wanted to check your blog... We'll keep him in our prayers.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.