Friday, June 20, 2008


Being a stay-at-home mom is great, except when you have to stay at home. I mean literally we are basically under house arrest until Lucas gets better. So not being able to leave has made us a bit...STIR CRAZY!!!
So we made cupcakes! To celebrate umm...our vacation next week...umm yea!

If food is involved Bridget is you can see!

She was very involved. In fact Lucas my serious baker was so mad that she was trying to help I had to put her on the floor.

Obviously that didn't work out so well. She climbed almost all the way on top of Lucas's chair.Lucas learned on Ace of Cakes how to make sure your batter is ready. This is him testing it. (Lucas loves Duff) (He also likes America's Best Dance Crew but that is another entry for another day)

This is how they turned out. Did I mention we made mini cupcakes? They are so cute! Lucas wanted one to be for Noah but we can't give it to him because we are stuck here for time and all eternity....Just Kidding. :)

After I told Lucas we couldn't save one for Noah, he ate his and one extra for Noah! That way he could tell Noah all about it later. Bridget thought she would eat one for's only fair right?

Let the countdown begin people T minus 8 days!!!!!


Veronica said...

Those cupcakes are so cute! We will have to make those another day! The last picture is adorable. 3 weeks and then Elijah can start eating real food. Thank goodness, I am a little tired of the eating every 3 hours thing!

Trista Hibberd said...

How cute. Emily shows no interest in helping me cook. She loves to watch though.
Hey, where did you get your header for your blog???

ஐ*¨KRiSta¨*ஐ said...

mini cupcakes...again with the creativeness...You rock!
I think its so cute that the kids like to help you. makes for a lot more fun :O)

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

you have no idea! they get mad if I don't let them help!

Trista Hibberd said...

Will you make me one? How much do you charge/do you charge?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.