Tuesday, September 9, 2008

10 months

Bridget turned 10 months yesterday. It was a very exciting thing for us. We put the kids in jammies and then played with them a bit. Bridget is now pretty much walking all the way now. Remember while watching the video she is in footie jammies so the wood floors are hard to keep your balance on! :)

So far Bridget is very into finding out what others are doing...
Like the Raider game that was on last night. She is very curious and independent, but loves to cuddle with Daddy at night. She is such a sweetie.She is also into competing with Lucas. If he wants a blanket she will go to it and sit on it and make him work for it. She is a lot stronger (fatter) than him, so she clearly has the advantage.We are most impressed with her walking skills. I have heard that girls take longer to walk, but she seems to be right on the same schedule as Lucas was. She just cut her FIRST 2 teeth and that is just as exciting. We love her little personality and wish all of you could meet her. Enjoy the video! (ignore my voice)


Maymo said...

It sounds like Lucas is saying "you would!" in the back ground... it could just be me hearing what I want to hear... haha

Thanks for laughing at me on my blog... makes me feel all tingly inside

Laura said...

That is so funny. Kylie did the same thing. She had to copy Maddi and get praise for it too. He is so funny.

Jen said...

Very cute video...Lucas is hysterical. Way to go Bridget!!!

Danielle Smith said...

I love that Bridget and Gwendolyn are 7 months apart but are right on the same track developmentally! It seems that's how all are children are. Wait, should I be worried?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.