Saturday, September 27, 2008

Crazy Kids

We get back from Sam's and I see Lucas doing this...
I finish putting everything away and he says to me "Look Mommy, I'n a Robot" (yes I'n)
So I cut a hole in the Cheerios Box and said...
"Yes Lucas you are a robot! Do you come in peace?"
He said "Yup, peas and apple juice"
I don't know which is funnier... him in this get up or the fact that he is talking about robots while he is wearing his favorite caveman shirt? Either way, I laughed and looked over at Bridget.
I can only assume that if she were talking she would have said "Me too, Me too!" I love that they are so close in age and that they always want to be crazy together!

She loved the box on her head...maybe we have figured out this year's Halloween Costumes?


Nathan (the husband) said...

I just want to quit my job and be with you and the kids all day. I hate that I miss these funny things! I love you!

The Cleverley's said...

Halloween is coming. Maybe they are just getting some practice in. Cute kids. I'd definitely give them a treat if they showed up on my door.

Danielle Smith said...

It totally sucks that you already spent money on costumes! If a kid showed up at my door in cereal boxes, I would give him lots of candy, some money, and some canned food goods... Watch, now all these parents will start sending their kids out in cereal boxes for Halloween for sympathy. Then I will have to start sending my kids out in cereal boxes for Halloween just to make ends meat. Dang! Vicious circle...

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

You have all the fun! I want to be like you!!! So I guess I am a month after you..

*jess* said...

soooo cute!

Aaron and Amy said...

that is just sooo cute!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.