Friday, September 19, 2008


Nathan is back from his trip and man were the kids excited! I have never seen Bridget run until the door bell rang and Lucas opened the door to find Daddy on the other side! She was grunting and laughing and embraced him like I had never seen before. The kids get it when he's not home, maybe because I am not as fun? Who knows...
They didn't give Nathan any time to sit and relax they jumped on him right away! Lucas was first to get Nathan but he retaliated by grabbing him and tickling him like crazy. Bridget thought that was her opportunity to pounce on Daddy while he wasn't looking...
Look at Lucas (above) man he looks like he is going to die from laughter! Then Bridget got to the top (below) and was laughing and laughing and I got this picture. Hahaha
Then daddy gave them a bumpy ride and Bridget decided to make sour faces. She was being so funny.I think I missed him the most though, because I had such a weird week myself and he wasn't here to be with me during the scary parts of it. I guess that is what friends are for though right?

The best part about him being home is that I won't have to text him to get a hold of him! Yeah!!!


slot mobil said...

what happened to the other one?

investing the stock market said...

its good to know about it? where did you get that information?

fix money matters said...

ok. I found an information here that i want to look for.

goooooood girl said...

So good......

cool dude game said...

ive done something here to have you a few cents!

myspace heart said...

wow, very special, i like it.

Danielle Smith said...

Personally, my favorite is the elephant.

Auntie V said...

What? No comment on this page makes sense to me at all.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.