Thursday, September 11, 2008

A good Daddy

With all that has been going on this sad and depressing week, I decided to clean up my desktop and came across a few pictures that I had taken last week.

This was before everything happened and it seems like it was so long ago. Maybe because we weren't running around, or busy, maybe it was becuase we were just chillin' with our kids, but these pictures almost make me cry because it seems like such a simpler time...(no I am not pg emotional right now)

Nathan the awesome guy he is always does bedtime with our kids. He gets home at 5:30and takes the kids. Plays and sings songs, reads, whatever they want while I make dinner. We eat dinner and then he takes them upstairs for bath, or stories or quiet time, so I can do whatever I want like read emails, blog :), or read a book. Then he puts them down for bed at 8 and we have all evening together. Watch a movie, talk, play a game, or just sit and smile at each other. :) He is such an awesome husband.

Well on the day these pictures were taken I could hear giggling upstairs so I grabbed my camera and saw them reading and rolling around with their blankies (their favorite ones) and I couldn't resist spying on them. Here is what I saw...

I just love how my kids adore Nathan. I mean they not only get along great as siblings but they truly love their Daddy. Its so cute! I wish I could post pictures of what they look like when they see him come home after work. They wait at the window and start breathing heavy and just explode with excitement when they see him walk up to the door. I love it.


The Halls said...

Aww! I love that sideways look of Bridget in the one picture!

Jen said...

That is such a good daddy (and husband, huh). You r kids are too cute. Those blankies look so nice and cuddly :) I am sorry that this week has been so long and no too fun for you guys...

Veronica said...

These are so sweet. I know life feels heavy right now. It will be okay. Come swimming with us Wednesday!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.