Tuesday, September 23, 2008


For those of you who know me, know that I don't really sleep. When I say that, I am not talking insomnia I am talking like I only let myself sleep for 6-8 hours. I never nap, I never go to bed early or for that matter sleep in, but that does not mean that I don't value sleep, in fact I am actually the complete opposite.

I am strict with my kids bed time and nap time, so much that I might not go somewhere if I can't get a nap into their day. For this reason I am grateful because my kids beg for naps. Ask anyone, if I even mention nap time they freak out like yes it is time, I need a nap! So I am especially grateful that nap time isn't an argument, and that bedtime is never a negotiation. I say its time and they go to their beds and are ready for an awesome slumber. They sleep well at night get a 2-3 hour nap almost every day, and you know what I think that is just great!

The problem is that sometimes they just fall asleep when ever or where ever and I sometimes get scared because they look dead, lifeless on the floor and I have to figure out why they are sleeping so much. They are extremely active and get up early so these random sleepy times are technically okay, but it still freaks me out! :)

Bridget over the past few days...
this picture is just missing the chalk line around her body!
Lucas over the past few days...
this one looks like he's had one too many apple juices.

I guess I can't complain right, I just have to learn to vacuum around them! Just Joking!
All this sleep can only mean one thing...Growth Spurt! NOOOOO!!!!!!


Nathan (the husband) said...

Hahaha that is funny! Your days can't be that rough with everyone sleeping all of the time! Haha Just Kidding!

Laura said...

Hilarious! I love the way our kids fall asleep. I really enjoy the apple juice picture. That is a classic!

Kathy said...

Love the new background. I wish my kids would sleep like that.

Angie BBC said...

I wish I was as funny and lighthearted as you! You are so patient and understanding with your kids no wonder you are a great mom!

Nancy said...

Valerie, you are awsome! Love your blog. We have one too but Kerry has it set up by invitation only and I had to be invited!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.