Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This morning Lucas said to me, "Noah still on bacashoon without me?"
I said yes, he is still on vacation.
"Why Mom?"
I told him it was because we take turns when we go on vacation. We went to Grandma and Grandpas and then Noah gets to go to DisneyWorld. When Noah gets back we are going to see Gigi and Grandpa and Grandma again, but this time we will get to see the beach.
"Beach! I will need my swimmin suit" he said.
I told him that when it snows here it will be time to go to the beach.
"I still miss Noah, mom"
I know, do you want to color him a picture?
"No, I want to wite him a letta"
Great idea Lucas let's go get some paper.
"No, I stay here you go"

So that is what we did, we wrote letters to his friends. First he wrote to Noah, and then he said "I wite to Kylie, she is my big friend." I said that is a good idea, anyone else? "Ummm Dampa, I love him friend." So we wrote letters to 3 of his friends
He colored one side and then told me what to write on the other. He can almost write his name, so if you look closely he has the L U C and W pretty much mastered. He doesn't like the letter A so it will be a challenge to get him to write it. I then put the addresses on them and he insisted on putting on the "stumps."
Then he walked them out to the mailbox. This was his favorite part of the letter process I think.
He put them in and then said "Where's Dowas's lettas?" I told him that the mail man needs to deliver his letters before his friends can write to him back. He looked really upset but then I told him it was snack time and he ran back inside.
When we got inside Bridget had already stolen some crackers! She is such a little punk!
She even has the hair to prove it! I think we will have to write more tomorrow, we forgot some other friends that Lucas sees all of the time like Emily and Robert and Larke. I hope everyone enjoys their letters!


Laura said...

We are very excited! Kylie wanted to check the mail this morning before preschool to see if it was here yet. So much fun!

Danielle Smith said...

Dang! Your young 2 year old is yet again ahead of my 4 year old and 2 1/2 year old. No surprise on the 2 1/2 year old though. Don't even get me started on the 1 year old!

Megan said...

What a fun idea! And I am so impressed with his letter writing abilities.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.