Monday, September 15, 2008

Under the Shady Tree... two and me! I LOVE Laurie Berkner! I have her DVD, all 4 CD's and if she were ever to come to Denver I would buy tickets for everyone I know, just so they could see how awesome she really is!

I am posting, so that someone could see what they are missing here while they are in Arizona. Today the high was 65, it was beautiful, breezy and so chill. So much better than the 100 degree he had in Arizona last night at 8:30 pm! YUCK!

Today we ate PB &J fingers on the lawn and sat under the Shady Tree and enjoyed some soccer fun...More ducky time....
Sharpening our teeth on the lawn rocks...
Crab Crawling down the hill...
but mostly we just enjoyed watching the trash trucks pick up everyone's trash on our street.
Oh, and waiting for the mailman to come. Ahh, the life of a stay at home mom...I love it! I love not being busy and just enjoying my kids, and the beautiful Colorado weather.

Oh and this video!

So Nathan, you better be missing us! These pictures should make you vewy,vewy homesick!


Angie BBC said...

I think your no work Wednesdays are such a great idea. No wonder you are never stressed, you take time to actually enjoy your kids instead of running from here to there with them. Or trying to impress people with all of the stuff you actually do by bragging about it on your blog I hate that about people sometimes. You will be awesome with 3 I just know it!

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of Laurie Berkner, but now I find myself youtube-ing to see all of her videos. I can't believe how creative you are and what a good photographer you are too. I am glad to know you!

Courtney Lynn

Emily S. said...

LOVE the crab crawling!! SO funny!

(How are you feeling these days?)

Marianne said...

Bridget is just so cute! I wish I knew you were outside I would have come over! Call me next time!

Laura said...

Isn't 4 such a great age? I can't wait to see what's to come. Thanks for the thought. You are so sweet to remember her birthday. She is so sad that Lucas can't come to her party this year. She's spent her last two with him, so this is a difficult adjustment for her.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.