Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We went to the Zoo to relieve some stress of the weeks happenings, and because Auntie Liz really wanted to go. Even though Uncle Cory was sick, and it was only 54 degrees outside we still went. It was awesome because no kids were there. My kiddos could walk around and see what ever they wanted without having to shove through the 600 kids on field trips. It was a great little mini adventure!
We had fun! After the zoo we picked up Nathan at work. (he is 5 blocks away) and then ordered pizza and watched Monday night football! Our kids were worn out by 8pm so we put them in bed.


Jen said...

I am so not ready for that kind of coldness...yuck!!! I just renewed my membership though...I am excited to go to the Zoo when we get back! Looks like you guys had fun. It is always nice when it isn't busy!

Danielle Smith said...

Looks like the zoo was fun! I am so jealous you got to watch Monday Night Football!! I am sure that was the highlight of the entire day! You, the fam, the kids, the pizza, on the couch with the football game just a-goin'!!

The Halls said...

Glad you're having some good times to counter-act the bad... :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.