Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The 13th

My nephew turned 1 on Friday the 13th! So did Mordecai Rogers, and this was also the same day that Natalie and Jessica (two girls in my ward) had their babies! It was a busy day. :)

Veronica had the fam over for a party and her cool sister Adrienne came with her kids for their spring break. Lucas was overwhelmed with excitement to see his cousins that the entire way there he was asking how much longer till we get there. I had my stitches taken out and then we headed over to Arvada for the party.

Luckily Veronica doesn't care about my obsession with taking pictures so I just kept snapping them like it was my kids
I love Noah's face in this one! :)
And as always I try to get them all together and Bridget is the one who decides that she will not cooperate. Look at Scarlett, she is trying... Happy Birthday Elijah! Man where has all the time gone? It's crazy how fast time flies when you have more than one kid. :)


Veronica said...

Yea! Thanks and Adrienne likes that you called her "cool."

Aaron and Amy said...

I agree with you on Noah's face in that pic. sooo cute!! Im glad you are obsessed with picture taking. Life would be boring without your blog. :-)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.