Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eric Carle

We LOVE Eric Carle. I read about 4 or 5 of his books a day. Today we just happened to read Brown Bear Brown Bear What Do You See? So I pulled out the paint and we made some animals. Today's project was inspired by this cute template and this one too.

I just wanted to let everyone know that Bridget really does think she is a boy. When she sees Lucas shirtless and in undies, she now has to be like him. She wanted Choo-Choo's and Lucas was already wearing his McQueen undies and so if his shirt was off so is hers.
at first, they wanted to be at the table, but then they decided on the floor was cool too...
Then it was so much fun we decided to paint with our feet, yes our feet!
They looked just what they were supposed to look like...for now. I looked at my paint covered kids and took them upstairs. Gosh my little boys are cute:
They love baths anyway but when I told them it was going to be a midday bubble bath they FREAKED OUT!It was like..."you are going to let us play with the bubbles?"
They soaked in the tub for about 15 minutes while I checked on Scar-letta (that is Nathan's new name for her) She was chill as always, so then we got dressed and picked our animals. Here are the finished products to add to my Wall Art Gallery in the toy room...

they totally look like his animals don't they?

I have decided that I am going to start an Art Group. I am going to do it on Tuesdays and today was my first project. Not all of them will be messy, but since I only had my kids we did a super messy one today. Hehehe. I have a ton on ideas but would love others so email me if you have any cool art projects let me know! Happy Tuesday!


Chaney said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE IT!!!! What a great idea that I'm going to steal!

Chaney said...

I can't get the links to the templates to work. Is there a website I can get them at?

Annie said...

You guys have the cutest kids I just love reading about the fun things you guys always do. I seriously admire you for all of your patience and you are so creative..

Liz and Cory said...

I am glad Nathan uses Scar-letta cuz that is the thug name we gave her too. Can't wait to see you guys again. I hate that we live so far away. 13 hours is a long time... Flying is definatly the best option.

Jen said...

An Art Group, huh...who's invited? Can I invite myself and kids? :) You do such a great job!!! How fun it would be to be your kids :)

The Cleverley's said...

Wow those are amazing. They look like something you would buy. Where can I sign up for art group??? I would totally help you with that one!

Cardon Times said...

Too Cute! I love it....Send some of your craft ideas my way... since I don't live in Colorado! :( Maybe one day though


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.