Friday, March 27, 2009

Fire and Ice

Nathan was sent home early yesterday and told not to come in today! Yeah for Blizzards! When Nathan came home Lucas wanted to help shovel the walk. I told him he needed a jacket and his boots before he could even go outside. What did he do? He put his boots over his firetruck jammies, his double jacket and then ran outside before I even knew where he went. I was calling his name and neither Nathan nor I could find him. We then hear a sound outside...Lucas was already out shoveling. Nathan runs out to get him and he is covered in snow. The jacket wasn't even zipped! He came inside because I told him he needed a hat and gloves and while I went to get them he screams "My hands on fire! They are burning! They hurt!" They were practically frozen! He cried and then after he warmed up he wanted to go back out and help.

He looked so cute when he came inside...(the second time)

I love this little dude.
Then this morning after talking to my father who doesn't do snow, but everytime he plans a trip it snows...even in May! We decided to all go out and build a snowman. It was warm enough to just wear sweat pants, and luckily the snow had melted enough that it was nice and wet snow. We had a fun time just running in it and shoveling some of the walk.

Our snowman has nothing to say that is why he has no mouth!
Oh and Grandpa, look at that scarf! Hahaha

After all of the snow playing and our mittens and gloves getting all wet we decided to throw snow balls into the ice river in the gutter. This I think was the highlight of the afternoon
We love that only in Colorado it will dump snow, close the city and then the next day all melt down so it is fun to play in. I told you Colorado has 320 days of sunshine, go ahead be jealous. :)


Liz and Cory said...

We beat you by 45 days... I miss you guys, Will we be seeing you in October, we might be able to close on the house by April 21st!

Liz and Cory said...

Cory happened to notice that Bridgets shoes don't match! HAHA


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.