Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Giving In, Giving Up

Okay, after an overwhelming response to my "who does she look like poll" the results are in...

I would like to thank my father who felt he too needed to comment. Hahaha

So the results...
Looks like Valerie 10 of 16 =62%
Looks like Stephanie 1 of 16 = 6%
Both 5 of 16=31%

I don't know why you would think that but I give in...
Could it be her awesome fashion sense? Flip Flops with pants? I knew she had a hint of California in her genes! I am flattered that you would think that my Beautiful Bridget would look like me, that must mean I am better looking than I thought! Hahaha.

Totally Random:
Look at my Lucas, man he is growing up fast! He is only 2.7 years old!


Jen said...

Lucas looks so much like Chris when he was about 5 years old (that is when I first remember Chris). Maybe not - but that is who I first thought of when I saw that picture!
He is getting big so fast - can't believe that he will be three this summer, right!?!

Liz and Cory said...


*jess* said...

pants and flip flops are SOOOOO california! :) btw, did you hear that em has definite dates that she'll be in socal??

*jess* said...

it's in september!!! :( ANY way you can reschedule?!?! that would be so awesome!!!!!!

Liz and Cory said...

Cory says about the serious Bridget Picture "she's an angry elf."


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.