Saturday, March 7, 2009


Scarlett Marie Witte
Born March 6, 2009
at 11:20 am via C-Section
6 lbs 7 oz - 21 inches
The Birth Story:
Last day in Maternity Clothes!!!!
I had my 38 week check up on Friday 3-6-09 at 9:45am. I had mild contractions all night (what else is new) and at 3am woke up Nathan and told him I had a funny pain on my left side. He looked at it and said there was nothing there. I woke up at 6:50 and showered and the pain was worse. I thought that I should call the doctor to see if I could try and come in earlier but didn't have high hopes. I described everything to her and she told me to go straight to Labor and Delivery because she was already there. I got to L&D and she felt around and said she is in a funny position, lets check it out. Sure enough Scarlett was butt down hands and feet were up in the air together, I guess she thought she needed to be in position for her Daddy to catch her like Bridget! :)

They tried to turn her but no dice and at 8:15 they decided to do a C-section because I was so far along and could deliver any minute. My C-section was scheduled for 9 but was moved to 11:00am. I started to get a little anxiety because I left my hairbrush at home and was not ready to do all of this that quickly, but then at the same time excited to meet this baby even though I would have crazy hair. My in laws came to pick up the other two hoodlums, and then we waited in the room. I called some people to let them know and then it felt real.

I got into the Surgery Room and was ready for my spinal. I had to go alone because they don't let the Daddies in until you are ready to be cut. I was crying a little because the Anethesielogist looked like the uni bomber and I was all alone. Everything seemed fine until I laid down and started singing Rockstar by Pink. The nurses were laughing at me and all I could remember was asking if Nathan could come in or if he had to watch through glass.
Nathan walks in with scrubs on, so happy to feel like a Greys Anatomy cast member and peeks over the curtain ready to give me a play by play. I think that is when I told him that I was mad for shaving because I didn't even need to worry about anyone holding my legs. Hahaha.
They cut me open at 11:10 she was out by 11:20 and that is the end of the story. Sorry it is so long, but I had to put my little twist on it to seem more exciting. :)
She came out and has Bridget's face but Lucas's coloring for sure. She has red hair, HUGE feet, and is skinny and long like the other two. She is tiny but they assured me its because she is 2 weeks early. I had a ton of water this time and that is why I was measuring so big. I am sad a little I didn't get to push her out but I feel like a million bucks! I am walking just fine and have only had to take one Motrin so far and don't even feel like I have just had a baby. They told me if I wanted to go home tomorrow morning I could instead of Monday night so we will see.

Okay, Okay the moment you have all been waiting for... PICTURES!!!
Her feet are BIGGER than Bridget's!
She is Looooong and skinny!
I love this picture!
She is as red as Lucas!
Nathan always gets to pick the name after the baby comes out we usually have 2 choices and then he is the final say. He said "Oh yea, she is my Scarlett" She gave him a funny look after he said it so maybe that means she is going to give us a run for our money. Hahaha
I finally got to hold her around 2:30. I look so high on drugs but I was actually feeling great and not high at all! :)


Kathy said...

She is so cute Valerie! You look so good. I'm glad that your pain is good. Just make sure to stay on the meds. I think Scarlett really fits her.

Natalie said...

Congratulations! AND... NOT FAIR! JK congrats! Can't wait to meet her.

Danielle Smith said...

Congrats again! I can't believe you didn't stay on the phone with me the whole time! I felt so left out! Gosh! She is beautiful! I love her! The name freaking rocks btw!!

Hannah said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! What a beautiful daughter you have!! YEAH!!

Maymo said...

yay!! Scarlett is here! Congratulations Val!!! I'll see her in... July?? Sad day.

Wait... I haven't even seen Bridget yet. I am way behind.

Jami said...

Oh, and I love that name! (What was the other name you had picked out?)

Jami said...

Yay! Congratulations! (Lucky!) C-sections are AWESOME! I know you don't get the joy of pushing, but you (at least I did) feel like you said, GREAT afterwards. So glad she's healthy and you're healthy and you get to take her home and you're not pregnant anymore... MAN, I envy you.

Veronica and Ryan said...

I have been waiting for this post. In the pictures on the top you can totally see she looks like Lucas AND Bridget. Crazy!

C&R Phillipps said...

She is beautiful and perfect. Congrats and I hope your recovery continues to go smoothly. March 6 is a great day to have a baby, that's Jackson's b-day too. Wish I could see in person.

ps - I love the name.

Cardon Times said...

Congratulations! It is a great story and she is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

The Cleverley's said...

yay! I am so excited for you! So she couldn't wait one more day???? Sheesh. I really love the name, and if she has red hair you WILL be in for it! They are a little spunky. Anyhow, let me know if you need anything. C-sections can take some time to fully recover from. CONGRATS!

The Halls said...

She's gorgeous! Congratulations :)

Trista Hibberd said...

Yeah! She's finally here!

Liz and Cory said...

I'm waiting to see ONE SPECIFIC picture. was it taken :(

MJ said...

Congratulations! She is so cute!!

Chaney said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful baby.

Megan said...

She is breathtaking! Congratulations on your new daughter. She is so lucky to be joining your family.

McMeegan and Thayngler said...

Congratulations--we're so excited for you!

Jami said...

She definitely does look more like a Scarlett, very, very sweet! And those cheeks! Just wanna squish 'em! I can't wait to see what Quin looks like, either. :)

*jess* said...

congratulations! she's just perfect! what a great addition to the family!!!

Druciana said...

Congrats! Tell Nathan that he looks close to a real dr in those scrubs. lol

Emily S. said...

I'm late, but CONGRATS! She is perfect!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.