Monday, March 2, 2009

Lovely March

I mean could I ask for anything more? I am STILL pregnant after a loooooong night, we are so blessed with this beautiful weather (73 in Colorado), I have two great little kids who are such great friends, and a great park state! Colorado is loaded with tons of parks for kids of all ages to go and have fun and they are all so close to where we live!

I decided this morning at 7am that I would take the kids to the park, invited ward people and then packed a lunch. No one from the ward came, but I figured that they wouldn't. Oh well. We had a great time and made some new friends. We joined a Mommy playgroup and can't wait for that to start! Here are some pictures of the kids...
Lucas proved once again that he is not afraid of anything...
Bridget loved the toddler area, it was the first time I have actually seen her on her own, doing her own thing...We also had another lesson in sharing...
Then we fed the ducks and geese and came home to take a nap.
We stayed till 12 and I think I will plan another fun outdoor thing tomorrow...Whew! What a fun morning, I hope everyone has a great Monday!


Danielle Smith said...

Yeah, yeah, nice weather, I get it! And you have lots of fun parks, yeah, I know! Gosh, rub it in my face already! I sure miss my Colorado!!

Rachel said...

I tried to come! I got both kids loaded up in the car, lunches packed, and...I couldn't find my keys. Anywhere. Anna was NOT happy. She was really looking forward to seeing Lucas. The keys turned up about 4:00 this afternoon under a pile of toys. Bummer. It looks like you had a great time.

Kathy said...

I'm sorry I didn't check my e-mail until 1:30 this afternoon and noticed that I missed out on a perfectly lovely opportunity to go to the park. I'm glad you still had fun.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.