Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Magic Touch

I don't know how he does it, but with every newborn I bring home (so far only 3) Nathan just has a way with them. I should call him the baby whisperer because he can calm any baby down.

As Danielle has informed me I am not good with newborns. I just don't like them. I am getting better though, Scarlett is like the perfect baby to start out with and unfortunately she is my 3rd. She is very scheduled. 2.5 oz every 4 hours. She sleeps great, and is up a little at a time during the day. She is not like her brother or her sister which is a good thing because she is mellow.

Anyway back to Nathan. I come home from Jeanette's on Thursday and this is what I find...
MY KIDS STILL IN THEIR JAMMIES at 2:45pm!!! URGH!!! Just kidding. They were totally passed out on their Daddy. *Sigh* SOOOOO cute!
Seriously you can't fake this people...look you can almost hear the snoring in this picture!
Lucas has this magic touch too. You see whenever he gets a chance he wants to be holding his Scarlett. He thinks its so cool that he has two sisters and that he and his dad are the only boys. He tells me this all of the time. When someone isn't holding Scarlett this is how she sleeps...
I am not kidding. I just want to send this picture into the Excedrin people and say...Got Migraine? HaHaHa
And lastly, Lucas was in his room with Bridget the other day playing with the Little People. I could hear him talking to the people and playing with the people and then I looked to see what he was doing. I asked him and he said playing with the family. Here is our family mom:
Yeah, guess which one is Bridget.

Just some funny random stories I wanted to get out there for my family in California to read about. Enjoy.


Liz and Cory said...

I love Bridge's hair, cracks me up. since I haven't talked to you in a while, I will tell you some here. We lost out on two houses and we are working hard to have a good place for you guys to stay if yu make it down here. I can't wait to see you guys, I am starting school on August but class isn't until 7 and only Mon-Thursday so when you come it shouldn't be an issue. Cory is way excited to see the girls and Lucas again. So am I, Miss you and Nathan tons too.

The Cleverley's said...

I think daddies just don't care about getting dressed like mommies do. My husbands tells me he doesn't dress them because he knows he's going to put them back to bed in a few hour anyhow. I guess that's the whole fun of having daddy home for the day, is staying in PJ's. The baby is just darling. I have something for her, I need to get in touch with you so I can drop it off!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.