Monday, March 16, 2009

See I told you!

I look at Bridget and see my sister Stephanie.
Stephanie looks at Bridget and sees me.

This has been a debate for a good 16 months now. (That is how old B is, hahaha)

I am sick of the fighting be the judge!

We are both 2 in these pictures I think.
I am in pink velour, sexy right? She is wearing yellow shorts,
I am lurking in the back on that one.

You look and decide. We both will be obsessively checking the comments on this post to see who ultimately wins this particular fight.

Oh here are some of Bridget for your comparison:

Good Luck! :)
All of these mini pics are clickable!


Kathy said...

So it's a toss up for me. I think she has your sister's eyes and your smile. Sorry if that is no help to either side but it is my honest opinion.

McMeegan and Thayngler said...

Sorry, I meant the pink outfit and the yellow shorts.

McMeegan and Thayngler said...

I think she looks like your sister, she has your sister's smile and it sort of looks like her jawline. I love the pink pants!

The Rogers said...

Sorry, Val, I think Stephanie is right. She is all you, well maybe your sisters mouth, but she looks more like you.

The Rogers said...

I take it back, ALL you.

Druciana said...

I would have to say that you and your sister looked so much alike at that age, it is hard to tell.

Danielle Smith said...

My vote is you. I have been saying it for a while now. I am sticking with my decision!

Liz and Cory said...

I think it is a Tie, I just love her fat belly... need to see her to give her blowfishes! :(

Auntie Stef said...

Well, I polled my office. The was a landslide. They all said you. I told you. bridget has everything of you, cheeks, nose, eye structure, smile, everything. I love my neice- shes perfect!

Jen said...

Sorry, but there is a lot of both of you in her...but Val, I think she does look a tad more like you :)

*jess* said...

so hard to tell but i think B looks like you, val!!!

Dampa a.k.a. Yo daddy said...

Being that I was there at the time both snapshots were taken, being that I have stored those fabulous moments in my personal memory banks, being that I am atleast 51%(can I take even more credit???) responsible for the way you both look, I can with 100% certainty proclaim that Bridget Louise is the spitting image of you my oldest daughter.

Veronica said...

She is definately.........both of you. Sorry.

M'Recia said...

I pick you. She has your adorable chubby cheeks.

Jami said...

I think it depends on the facial expression... at first I thought it was all you, but then there are a few that look like your sis.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.