Saturday, April 4, 2009


This morning the first thing Lucas said to me as he walked into my room was "I need to play with my new firetruck, I need to touch the buttons!" So as soon as Grandpa woke up the kids were allowed to go downstairs and play. Lucas wanted to show Grandpa his firetruck. So they played for a bit while I made my French Puff Muffins. (snicker doodle muffins) Scarlett just looked at her Grandpa the whole day. It was cute! :)

Today was Lucas's gymnastics class so after breakfast we took Grandpa so he could watch. All of the teachers call Lucas Paul Hamm because Lucas never needs assistance, he can do all of the tricks as they call them by himself. They asked him to move up to the older kids class because he is so much bigger than all of the other 2-3 year olds and he is considered advanced, so next session our little Paul Hamm will be in the higher class.
(Paul Hamm is a red headed Olympic Gold Medalist from the 2004 games)

After gymnastics Lucas was invited to his first drop off party. It was for Anna Sollis and Lucas asked me why he had to wear a nice shirt. I told him it was because it was a party and you should always look nice to party. He shrugged his shoulders and said okay. The best part about this was when we got there, Anna was wearing a dress and Eden was too. Rachel asked all of the kids to sit on the pink carpet and the first thing Eden (age 4) says to Lucas was "Lucas you look so handsome." His reply..."Yea, I know my mom made me wear this shirt." Priceless! Hahaha.

I came home from dropping off Lucas and Bridget was just coloring away. She said she was writing in her "bote-book" you know notebook from Blues Clues. :)
My dad got to experience snow, doesn't he look happy to be in it?

After the kids took naps, my dad gave them each a free private golf lesson. Bridget took to the new instruction really well and even hit the ball in a straight line!

You will notice that Bridget has also picked up putting the golf ball and club in her mouth, I don't think Grandpa inluded this in his lesson. :)

For dinner we went to Woody's because I love pizza and we wanted to watch the Basketball games at a place where we could be wild. Lucas now fully understands what ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT means...he must have been watching Grandpa! :)

Another great day minus the FREEZING wind we had, but hey who cares? When you are with Grandpa the weather really doesn't matter does it Bridgey?
(this video is of Bridget playing with Grandpa, I think it shows how much she loves him, he is sitting across from her making faces and she is totally flirting/playing with him)


Jen said...

Cute, cute and more cute!!! I love it all!!!

Cory said...

i love that you call it the cory face i still pee my pants laughing everytime she does it i miss my lil kiddos


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.