Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Birthday

Since today is my Birthday I thought I would do this google tag so everyone could learn more about me, but really I bet you all already knew most of these! :)

My Age: (as of today)
A Place I Would Like To Travel: My Favorite Place:
My Favorite Object:
My Favorite Food:
My Favorite Animal:
My Favorite Color:
The Town Where I Was Born:
The Town Where I Live:
My First Name:
My Middle Name:
My Last Name:
(The "Headless" Witte Engine)

One Of My Worst Habits:
My First Job:
My Great Grandmother's Name:
What I Wish I Was Doing Right Now:
What I Actually Am Doing:
Something I Want But Will Never Have:
Something I Have But Don't Want:
Something I Am Trying To Do Better:
What I Am Thinking About:

Feel free to ask about any of these, I have no secrets! Hahahaha.

I had a pretty good birthday including a trip to Flat Irons where I saw Rachel and Anna. What was funny about it especially was that I was making her NY Panini's for my birthday dinner. LOL. It was my birthday so I got to pick, and we had Panini's, Kettle Chips(my fav) and for dessert Strawberry Shortcake. Lucas and Bridget have never had it before and Lucas kept telling us that he wanted this cake for his birthday because it was "licious." The kids sang a beautiful renditon of Happy Birthday and then we went to bed to watch a Doris Day Movie. Yippee! I should get the eggs ready for tomorrow so I should end this. Thanks to the 30 some odd comments I got on facebook, and the phone calls and of course the crazy ecards. :)


Laura said...

i'm writing your birthday on my calendar right now so I don't ever forget again! I was thinking it was the 13th for some reason? Too many April birthdays to confuse me I suppose? Hope you had a GREAT birthday...and of course a happy Easter too!

Druciana said...

Happy Birthday!

I think I have that camera. It is wonderful!

Druciana said...

Ah...mine is not that fancy, but it is a Cannon...

Veronica and Ryan said...

MMMM, cheese. Are you a litter bug?

The Cleverley's said...

Happy Birthday!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.