Saturday, April 25, 2009

Uncle Jared

Uncle Jared came to visit for a week. Jared is #2 in the order of the Wittes.
The first thing Lucas said when we got to the Wittes was "Hi Alex this is my Daddy" I laughed and told Lucas that Daddy is Alex's brother. Lucas looked so confused. I could see him thinking "How can my daddy have little brothers? He is big and I don't get it." Needless to say I didn't explain to him that daddy has lots of brothers and Liz is his sister...I will save that talk for when he is 3. Haha.
Lucas and Bridget had fun wrestling and giggling with their Uncle Jared. When Jared went into the kitchen Lucas asked Alex and Nathan where Uncle Cory was. Haha.
Uncle Jared held lil' Scarlett for a while and then tossed Lucas into the air a few times. Lucas threw his head back and hit the wall so Jared "rubbed" it and made it better. We had Grandma Witte's Lasagna and Chocolate Cake for dessert. It was a fun little Witte get together.
Tomorrow is Scarlett's blessing so I should hit the hay...


Danielle Smith said...

Oh my gosh! I just realized, Jared totally looks like Earl from My Name is Earl!! He just needs to lose some tan and some muscle mass and he will look exactly like him! This just made my day. Farewell.

Anonymous said...

thanks for getting the picture that makes me look all angry while I hold a beautiful baby. But I guess I am angry all the time so I can live with that.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.