Monday, July 6, 2009

Four Months

...has come and gone. It is sad to think that my littlest Witte is in fact my littlest. She is so much skinner than the other two yet so much like them. She is almost sitting up entirely on her own. She can roll any which way and has the funniest laugh of anyone in this house. Its like a squealing lion "squeal rawr, squeal, squeal" I love it.

A week ago she said good-bye to the swaddle.
She is in a size 3 diaper, and still such a sweetie. In her car seat her favorite thing to do is sit up and impress her daddy. She has to be holding something while she eats, not necessarily her bottle but something to keep her hands busy other wise she gets too distracted.

"You wanna piece of me?"

"Oh, Hi Mommy!"
Her reddish-orangish-auburnish hair is starting to come in and she is starting to really look like a mix between her older siblings.

She has the cutest smile, and her cheeks are deceiving, it looks like she is a huge baby but actually she is quite skinny and little and I love it. Finally a little baby!

She is such a lady, she always crosses her feet when she sits!
I can't believe she is four months already!?!
Her next appointment is in 2 weeks, she and her brother will be getting shots together!
Fun Times.

In case you are curious here are L&B at 4 months. CLICK HERE


Abbey said...

She is such a sweetie. I think she looks like her and only her. Maybe Bridgets cheeks but thats it. Lucas coloring but not really his looks.

I love the name Scarlett, people picking common names is so boring.

*jess* said...

wow...4 months? she's sooooooo adorable. i love that she's a little lady already. :)


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.