Thursday, July 9, 2009

If you will

Sing along with me to the lyrics that Lucas has compiled for us. At church they must sing this song because this is all he has been singing lately...except Happy Birthday to me because his party is TOMORROW! Woah!

Here is Lucas's rendition of "I'm trying to be like Jesus"

"I'm trying to be like cheeses,
I'm fowowing in his days.
I’m trying to love as he did, in all that I like to say.
At times I yam tempting to make a wong choice,
But I try to listen as the still small choice lispers,
“Love one another as cheses loves you.
Try to show kindness in all dat you do.
Be gentle and woving in did and in vrought,
For these are the tings cheses taught.”

Here is the link so you can sing along HERE click the orang play button in the upper left corner.
you can also pick if you want to hear music or music and lyrics together.

P.S. Lucas is very excited for his party tomorrow. I am glad because I am SICK of hearing about it! :)


The Rogers said...

Val, I love it! Unfortunatly we can't make the party cause Emily was exposed to the Swine Flue in Utah at Kieth and Kim's baby blessing. We saw our pediatrician yesterday and he said no contact for 7 days. Sorry, we will have to get together for a play date so we can give Lucas his present.

O'Berrys said...

That is funny!! I love how little ones talk!

Liz and Cory said...

I am SO SO Sad right now... don't knoow if we'll make it out later this month either.

No time for bull Auntie Stef said...

All these people flaking on you. Don't they realize this is the party of the year?!?!

Umm that is bad parenting exposing your kid to "swine flu." Funny I haven't heard any cases lately...liar.

Anyways I can't wait to see all the pictures of my nephews party! Just remember the less the better!

Jen said...

What a super fun idea for Lucas' birthday party! Looks like you guys had a blast! Love, love all the pics!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.