Friday, July 10, 2009

{Party Time}

Wayne's World {Party Time} excellent! (air guitar)

It finally came and went. Lucas was very polite and patient all morning while we picked up Larke (Kathy had her baby last night.) Larke, Lucas and Bridget helped me set up tables and then we headed down the large hill, I didn't really realize how large it was till all of us had to hike up it after the tour. are pictures because that is what you all want to see right?

Fireman Mark handed out fire hats while we waited for Robert to get there. We had fun playing and picking the flowers off of the bushes. Hahaha.

(Don't worry I am printing the pics for everyone because they are ALL cute)
We went inside for a tour of the house, and then we got to see the Ambulance. The kids learned a little and then got to go inside of it. They thought this was pretty cool.

I have to say it was so cute to see everyone in their hats following the fire dudes around. Bridget did not wait for the fire man to help her up, she did it "all herself"

One of my favorites...

Then we went to the firetruck and they learned some more and they were able to go inside the firetruck, on the other end they got a Badge!

Fireman Martine (cute Italian) explained a few things about the truck and Lucas was telling him all that he already knew about firetrucks. He would ask a question and Lucas knew it. Then Lucas would ask a question like, "Why are there so many hoses, there is only one fire at a time" It was so funny to see Martine's face, like a 3 year old really asked me this?

He wanted the kids to try out the hose so they could see how heavy it was. Anna opted to stay with Veronica (my sister in law) and that was A-O-K

They showed us all of the bells and whistles of the firetruck too.

But the pièce de resistance was that each kid got to shoot water out of the fire hose and see how the firemen really do it. And this my friends was Lucas's DREAM COME TRUE!

Every kid liked it but this was a moment for my little boy. I even took Elijah and made him do it and I told Anna that we should do it together.

If you click on Bridget you can see that she is just as dark as Mr. January ahem, I mean Martine. Hahaha.

They asked if Robert and Bridget were siblings because they were together the whole time. I said no, he is Lucas's best friend which means Bridget likes him a lot too. :) They also asked if she was related to Noah and I said they were just cousins. I think Bridget is a chameleon like my Dad...she blends into her surroundings. Hahaha.
The firemen had set up several photo ops for us and then we headed up the hill for the usual...presents, lunch and cupcakes.

Nathan grilled some Hot Digity Dogs. Scarlett was happy just standing watching the kids.

I have to thank my mother in law who took care of Scarlett the WHOLE time. I couldn't have done this party without her help with my bebe.
While we were waiting for things to cook Lucas opened his presents. He was shocked to get them because all he really wanted was a party. He did tell me later that his did want presents too and was glad they came on the same day.

This present was really for me. I know it was.
He loved everything, but this I thought was so cool.

This was Nathan's favorite book when he was Lucas's age. It has some scribbles in it that Nathan drew himself. Grandma Witte wrote a cute note in it and Lucas has only asked me to read it 6 times since we have been home.
We did the cake thing. He couldn't decide chocolate or vanilla so I made both...a swirly cupcake. We went ahead and used 4th of July sprinkles...he wanted all stars so it worked.

He looks pleased.

Bridget is just a mess.
We played on the playground but it was a little too hot so we played Red Light, Green Light. Which turned into this...

The girls just watched the boys in puzzlement.
We tried to play one more game but Nathan totally ruined it. I can say that because I am married to him and I am still mad about it. :P Just Kidding.

We came back to the tables to play with our goodie bags.

Then it was 10 minutes till pick up time so we read Nathan's book. Lucas was so happy that his friends came and that they had fun. They crashed on the way home so Nathan and I picked up some Sonic slushes and when Lucas woke up he had something else waiting for him...

A HELMET and FIRETRUCK SCOOTER from Grandpa and Grandma Horn!
This is where my son is right now. He won't get off of it. Haha.

I am glad everything turned out well and that everyone but Emily could come. He is really lucky to have such great friends. On the way home he told me that Robert colored the paper just for him and that Anna wrote him a special note. They are in his treasure drawer. Aww.

I hope you don't get sick of Lucas because his birthday isn't until Wednesday and there is more to come. My baby is 3 people this is a BIG deal! Every picture is clickable so have fun checking them all out!


The Cleverley's said...

That looks like so much fun. You are a natural born party planner. Oh and I LOVE the scooter. Where can I get me one?

Veronica said...

We had such a great time! Noah said his favorite part was rolling down the hill. I think Elijah's favorite part was the hose. Thank you for inviting us!

Abbey said...

It looks like it was a great time. I can't believe his dream is to be a fireman, my 4 year old has no dreams. Lucas is getting so handsome. I wish I could think of fun party ideas like this...I always seem to see them after the fact. What's next on your list?

Abigail BBC said...

Looks like a great party that was planned perfectly. You should teach a class on this or something.

Happy Auntie Stef said...

I am so proud of my Lucas that it literally brings me to tears. To hear him light up when he told me about his party. All week long was a new excitment and then it was finally here! Pure joy in his voice.

I know all the people who flaked and lied and didnt come are really sorry. It not only looked like an awesome party but I know it was cuz that is how you do it. Not only are you a great event planner but a great sister and a STUPENDOUS mommy!

I know how sad Lucas was/is that his FAVORITE Auntie wasnt there, but he knows I wil make it up to him. :)

I love listening to him play when we are on the phone. Ahh it makes me Witte homesick. I wanna curl up on the couch with some warm snikerdoodles and watch all my little ones play. Thats it I need to come there soon.

Happy Birthday Lucas Witte and I will sing to you on your actual bday. I love you.

xoxo Bridge and Scarlett.

Mandie said...

Is it just me or did Lucas gros like 4 inches in the past 2 posts? Hahaha. He has turned into such a handsome young man...I can't say little because he looks so big now. I like Bridget's outfit too.

Liz and Cory said...

I am beyond sad at this point, i don't think we are coming, car rentals are too much money. Cory thinks Bridget does the cory face becasue she is really like Hiro on Heroes. We'll have to ask her.

Maymo said...

Ummm... did you happen to get Mr. January's phone number?? You do still have one single friend you know :) I'd actually take any of the featured firemen... I'm not picky

Mr. February said...

It looks like Fire Chief Lucas had great day although Mr January (firedude Antonio) got his flexing workout jollies in front of lil Miss Bridget (whom I will now affectionately refer to as lil Miss Piglett) since she can't seem to find her lil pie hole.
If Lucas becomes Fireman we know that today played a very important part in developing his psyche.

Lucas it looks like you had a great day and I clicked on all the pictures and loved them all. You are very lucky to have a wonderful mommy and daddy who provide so much for you. It is easy to see how much they love you and want you to have great memories of your childhood with your friends. Kudos to ya Valski and Nattie boy.

Now Miss Piglett we will have food into mouth and not on face practice videos being prepared today. Emeril and I should get them out before week's end!!

Scarlita your are simply adorable and as Thing #3 you are doing a fine job.

On a side note it seems like somebody missed a really great time because of their petty insecurities. Ha Ha you missed seeing Mr January flex his pecks in person.

Lucas have a wonderful birthday, your mom and dad are the best and they adore you. Maybe Auntie Steph will let me sing with her a Cali serenade of HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Caio my lil Bambino

Kathy said...

Thanks for picking up Larke, it looks like she had a marvelous time. Happy Birthday Lucas.

shana said...

Wow. What a great birthday party. I'm totally impressed!!! I loved that book when I was little too!

M'Recia said...

I'm glad to see that Larke is still attached at the hip to her ducky blanky.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.