Monday, July 20, 2009

Too Big

I was going to wait to give Scarlett cereal, but she looked like she was ready to eat every time we sat down for dinner and I felt guilty.

She is sitting up so I thought I would give her cereal to see how well she did. This is around the same time I gave the other two cereal so I thought it shouldn't be too bad.
And I was right! She didn't cry like the other two. She was patient and happy that she was sitting up in the high chair and that she was eating like the rest of us. It was so cute. Here is a LINK to the other two at this age. It is hard to believe that she is getting so big. I want her to stay little forever. Tomorrow is her 4 month appointment and Lucas's 3 year check up so I will post the stats of all that tomorrow but still she is too big for my liking. :(
She is so smart too, this is how she tells us she is done.
I love it. She did a really good job with the yucky Baby Alive Paste (aka rice cereal) and I think we will start doing it every morning!


Kathy said...

I can't believe Scarlett is big enough for cereal. Crazy!!

Auntie Stef said...

I love the bib. It is so ture Auntie Steph does love her!!!!

I am so glad she is progressing so well, another reason to give me another nephew. Scarlett is growing up to fast! :)

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

So cute....I was thinking about do you know when your kid is ready?

da breakfast cowboy said...

Gar-lick sent me a text.... she wants an sausage mcmuffin with egg, and don't forget the hash browns and drink that come with the value meal, it's #3 in case you forgot

Jami said...

I tried cereal with Quin a few times, he gagged. LOL! I've tried different textures, he seems to like it more watery, but still does the tongue-thrusting thing. I just try it again every other day or so. He likes ice cream, though (ha ha). I've just given him some on the tippiest tip of my spoon and when he sees that spoon coming, he's like a baby bird! I'm thinking he just doesn't like rice.... hmmmm....

Veronica said...

I tried rice cereal once when I was giving it to Noah. Yuck! I guess when it's that or the bottle....Scarlett is such a cutie pie!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.