Friday, October 31, 2008


For those of you who know me, I was a synchronized swimmer for several years of my life. My friend Danielle sent me this link and offensive was not a word I would use to describe the talent I saw in this video. You be the judge.

I am currently looking for some really ugly pictures of me when I was chunky and in a sequin-covered bathing suit at around age 12. Hahaha I am secretly happy there is not one of me on the computer now, but my husband will be determined to find one, I promise.
Here is our team (TEAM USA) at the Swiss Open, talk about talent!

and just so you know...they are NOT touching the bottom of the pool, that is all leg power people!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

An unexpected surprise

I'm....still pregnant.
We're having.....I don't know yet, 2 more weeks because they couldn't get me in yet.

No, No the surprise wasn't for me or about me! It was for the kids! I didn't even know about it. The doorbell rang, the DHL man drove away before I could answer it (what is their problem anyway) and Lucas said "I know, I know its for me!"

I looked all over the package and there it was. A message to my kiddos: Happy Halloween Bridget and Lucas! Love Grandma and Grandpa Horn.

So this is the cute stuff they got!
(Bridget pointing out that HER name was first)
Lucas immediately noticing that he got the scary cat and that there was lots of chocolate treats for him in the box, he was mad because I took all of the Take 5's out :) THEY ARE FOR ME!
Here they are...SO CUTE Thanks G'ma and G'pa Horn!

This video doesn't do their excitement justice but know that they really liked it:

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

He came home?

Nathan has been out of town, and for some reason my kids have decided to strike.
*Both my kids are GREAT sleepers, always have been but since Nathan left, Bridget decided to gash her head in the back (blood everywhere), so she didn't sleep well, and then she slammed her head pretty badly on the coffee table right before nap, so lets just say she didn't nap today.
*Lucas has decided to get up every other hour at night and check on me in my bed. He isn't crying, he isn't talking he is just checking for Daddy. You are all thinking aww how sweet, well this would be fine if:
1) It wasn't Halloween week and every show seems to be extra scary. So I am already on edge
for having to sleep alone!
2) I could get to bed by 10pm - 2 nights now I went to bed at 1AM DANG - TCM channel!
3) He didn't breathe like a vampire at night (it is so thick sounding I can't put letters to it)
So imagine to my surprise when I stay up watching CSI and wake up to breathing in my face at 3am this morning. Let's just say Lucas was just as scared as I was after I screamed really loudly at his BIG BROWN EYES, and heavy breathing this morning.
*I managed to get the kids down for nap after our one of many horrible nights, when I get a phone call from Nathan who says his flight was cancelled in Alabama! My reaction was almost as loud as it was this morning!
*I was really upset and ate 4 mini snickers candy bars from Lucas's candy bag, when I decided to just give up and watch my CBS shows from the previous night (love on demand) I was really bitter and angry inside when this rush of heartburn hits me and I can't find a stinkin' TUMS in my house. I am digging in the medicine cabinets looking in the drug drawer when my cell phone rings. (It rang because during this time I was on my house phone with Danielle complaining) When I scream really loud and say yeah I love you! Nathan got a direct flight home and instead of being home at 8:30 he was going to be home at 4! I couldn't believe it, was it the prayer I didn't say or the snickers bars that were now burning into my throat? Well, I guess I will never know, but one thing I do know is that Nathan who feels really bad about my past 4 days picked up the kids and took them to the park. Isn't he great? (I feel like TAMN people!)

Here are some pics...Bridget also said some words today "Duck, and Quack, Quack" These were Lucas's first animal words too...CRAZY!Sorry I don't like to vent on my blog, (that is why I have vonage) but I just felt like I needed to get it all out there! Thank You and Good Night!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Car-ting, no Carving, no Punkin Cutting

Yesterday we had a special meeting with 2 of the seventies and instead of a full 3 hour block it was more like stake conference. We couldn't go because Nathan was getting ready to go back to Alabama for work and had to be picked up at 10:30. So everyone in my house got a shower, and dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen for one last fun October thing with Daddy. We carved pumpkins! Lucas has been asking me almost everyday when we get to "cook the punkin," or "cart the punkin," and today he said "it's time to cut the punkin" we did.

Bridget was especially happy to sit on the table and watch Daddy cut the pumpkin. I love that Nathan is doing the tongue thing in the first one, here is my proof that my kids got this silly face from him. Lucas too has some really weird faces in these pictures.
As you can see by Lucas's face this all was really gross, but Bridget who has never carved a pumpkin before knew just what to do (below)We let Lucas do the clean stuff like draw the face...
I asked him what kind of face he drew and he showed me:
Bridgey kissed it for good luck and then one last picture before we had to take Daddy to the airport!I love this picture...I think I will make it my new computer background! :) The kids already miss him, but they just think he is still at work. I haven't and probably won't tell them he took an airplane, because Lucas will think he is visiting Grandma and Grandpa without him! Trust me, I don't want to deal with that melt down! :)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Arvada 1,2,3 Trunk or Treat/Carnival

1,2,3 means that the 3 wards joined together to have one big Halloween party and it sure was a party! Ryan and Veronica invited us, like last year and we had a GREAT time! It gave me some ideas on how to do ours for next year that's for sure! :) We walked in and played at the carnival for an hour, here are the kids having some fun with the games...I was recognized by someone I didn't know. She said she was embarrassed to tell me how she knew me, but I assured her it wouldn't be a big deal...She confessed she reads my blog everyday! I laughed and said really? I thought it was flattering and told her that we all blog stalk. As I was walking out I told another girl I didn't know her but I thought I had seen her blog before and she said she reads mine too! I don't think my blogs are all that great, in fact the only reason why I do them is for my parents who can't see my kids everyday. This just makes me more sure of why I like the blogging world though, you can see what others are doing and get ideas from them, and ultimately make new friends, so YEA for blogs! My favorite part about this activity was catching up with old friends. I love this about Arvada activities, there is always someone you know, (whether it is through blogging) or the singles ward! :)

Before we started to walk the Trunks, I had to get pictures on the rocks like I did last year. They turned out sooo cute :)
Last year:
This year:
Plus 2 more:
Then off to the Trunks. Lucas really made out! I had to sift through his bag and pull out my favorites before I could let him pick a candy for himself! Bridget loved the attention. We had a fun time and I am glad we were invited!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Noah, Lucas's older but not taller cousin turned 3, well is turning 3 on the 30th. So to celebrate Ryan and Veronica invited us to White Fence Farms on Wednesday night.

Besides me being a half an hour late which NEVER happens because I am always early, long story involving a cop and a four almost five car accident! Yikes! We arrived to the Farm and walked to the Chicken Coop to pick out our dinner for the night...JUST KIDDING : )
Bridget really liked letting the fall air blow through her thin hair!

before we went in I caught Elijah in a mini moment...
Then we went inside to eat a yummy dinner and picked out a cool prize from the Tresure Chest. The cost for a prize was one wooden nickel...
Then we went through the gift shop and tried on a few hats...I love this one of Noah :)
Look at my Nathan and my cute :)
On we went to the petting the animal portion of the evening...
Lucas was so excited to see the animals,Bridget had no problems "grabbing the bull by it's horns"
She must get that from me...Haha or my family in general...LOL
A cute tractor picture before we left. It was a fun little night, and I am glad we went and I am glad Veronica liked my present, even if Noah won't like it till he's trapped inside with nothing to do...oh well. :) Happy 3rd Noah! Here's to 3x3x3x3 more (that equals 81) not that I am limiting you to 81 years of age... Love, Auntie Val

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Tag! 8 Random Facts

1. I make cookies everyday in the last trimester of pregnancy.

2. I love to be ready and out the door by 8am on Saturdays.

3. I like to pretend I am a tourist when we go to different Colorado places like the Springs or wherever.

4. I have climbed 3 fourteeners, and plan on climbing the rest with Nathan before I die.

5. It has been at least 4 years where I haven't been alone...without Nathan or my kids. Sheesh they are always there! I can't get rid of them. :) I suspect it will be this way for another 22 years!

6. I love to eat cream cheese or ranch dressing with almost anything.

7. I love to answer the phone. My house phone simul-rings with my cell so that I never miss a call. I know that is so weird.

8. Wednesday is my favorite day of the week, because it is the day I don't do any chores and just play with my kids.

Tag: Hilary and Amy

Here are the rules
1: Each player starts with 8 random habits/facts about themselves
2: People who are tagged need to write a post on their blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3: At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.

Monday, October 20, 2008


On the street where we live there are a ton of beautiful trees changing colors, and now have leaves that have finally started to fall. In fact, just the other day we all went to check the mail and our hot firefighter across the street was raking his leaves. Lucas sat and watched him on the side walk and he yelled over at us..."All of these leaves and no one to play in them!" Lucas looked back at me and I shook my head no, because we were waiting for Nathan to come home so we could go to Sam's Club. We came home and looked at all of the naked trees on my street and noticed something...

OUR tree's leaves are STILL GREEN! We have no leaves really falling, maybe a few here and there but nothing like everyone else! Here is a picture of my neighbors trees...
and ours
Poor Lucas and Bridget wanted so badly to play in the leaves so I let them just rake some and play in them but it was a such a sad little pile. He even insisted on wearing his Fireman hat to be just like Brian across the street.
They took turns raking and then Lucas wanted to ride his bike, which...HE can do ALL by himself!Then Bridget wanted a turn so Nathan pushed her like a crazy man all over the place which made her happy. When it was time to go inside we collected the leaves and then went to get the rake when I hear Lucas say "Oh No!" I look over and Bridgey is bleeding all down her face, she had fallen on the rake! She wasn't crying just had her tongue out like she does when she concentrates, like she was going to bring it to us. It was so cute and sad all at the same time. Poor thing, I promised the kids that once the leaves really start to fall we will make a mountain and play all day in the leaves, that made Lucas happy! Bridgey didn't really care, she just wanted to go inside to eat dinner! :)
And thanks to Danielle for this delicious Chicken Pasta Dish...Bridget and Lucas ate 3 bowls! I'd say she looks FAT and HAPPY what do you think?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we went to the pumpkin patch and I believe everyone had fun. Lucas and Noah really needed to get out and have fun together. They each got a nice sized pumpkin (thanks V) and were even able to ply in the corn, since it was dry enough to play. Here is the slide show and below are a few of my favorite pictures...

Here they are:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Bring it on Winter

"I'm not afraid!"
So go on, make the leaves fall and let the snow come, because I am ready and waiting!
Love, Bridget Witte

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Giggles and Grins

There is something to be said about bedtime. Just the clean smell of hair, or the smell of too much lotion on the skin, or maybe it's the footie fleece jammies that little ones wear that make me smile. I don't really know, but I do know that I love bedtime. It could also be that Nathan is in charge of bath/bed/story time every night and I can just hear the laughter for the top of the stairs.
I think my kids love it too because they get a phone call from my parents or my sisters almost every night. This is the highlight of their evening for sure.There is just one thing we need to figure not to take off the jammies completely when we need to go potty! :) hehehe That was the challenge last night. Oh well we will try again tomorrow!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.