Sunday, April 5, 2009

Aurevoir Grandpere!!!

Today was full of happiness and tears. This morning Grandpa and the kids played "kitchen" as Lucas calls it. They served him and he played along, it was so funny. Then Bridget got a hold of the play camera and started to take pictures of it all. I guess they have noticed how obsessive I have been with the camera. Haha.

Then we took showers and headed out for Gunther Toody's for a late breakfast, but while Grandpa was taking his shower Lucas thought it would be funny to walk in Grandpa's GIANT shoes. Grandpa just gave him big hugs.

Once we were dressed Grandpa and Bridget had a little talk. Then he helped put her in the car. :)

When we got back from breakfast we played some more and then the kids had a little more cuddle time with Grandpa before naptime. Grandpa was saying "See Ya Later!" and the kids were saying "Good Night."

I thought it would have been better, easier if they woke up and he was gone. I knew they would cry if I took them with me to the airport. I knew I would cry if they were crying. I thought this would be better...

...I'll admit it I WAS WRONG!
The first thing Lucas said was "I need my Grandpa where is he?" I told him he had to go home and the the tears started pouring in, out and all over the place. I am surprised Nathan didn't have to change his shirt! We called the house to talk to Steph but that only made it worse...I started too! We ALL miss you Grandpa! We had a great time and NEED you to come again soon!

P.S. When Bridget woke up she looked under the bed for Grandpa saying "where aaa uu?" Needeless to say I couldn't keep the tears in again...Stinking after baby hormones! :P


Aaron and Amy said...

i know i just hate those hormones!!! i teared up seeing lucas crying.

Jen said...

Oh, poor little babes...I am sorry that their grandpa had to go. That picture of Lucas crying is so sad :(

Laura said...

Forget hormones! I cry even without them. Your dad makes me think of mine. Makes me miss him a little. I'm so glad he got to come visit. Poor Lucas looks so sad though.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.