Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Bridget so far has been a "challenge" partly because she is 16 months and just being well...a girl and also because she knows how to get what she wants from literally EVERYONE in this house.
*With Lucas a simple slap, punch, fist in face works.
*With her Daddy it is the furrowed brow that she is imitating from him. Or even just a hug with simple pat pats on the back. Oh, and the I can do it myself grunts!
*With me it is how she says "sorry" or the fact that I see her little attitude is from me and when she is getting mad back at me she shakes her hips and shoulders like "oh no you are not!"

You can't help but laugh at times like these, but it doesn't help because she knows that she is cute. Eventhough she is starting to be my hardest 2 year old yet I still love her. Especially because with all of the hard parts she has moments like this...
Or like this...
A lot of days lately I am seeing this side of her...
where her Auntie Veronica has to rub the eyebrows away because you know...her face could stick like that someday!

But in the late afternoons, when she thinks nobody is watching she is such a sweet little girl, sweet enough to trick Lucas into doing naughty things like jumping on my once made bed. Then pointing the finger to him like he is the one who knew better not me!

My most favorite thing is how much she really loves her sister Scarlett. And because of this I just take a deep breath, shake my head and remember she is only going to be little for a short time and to enjoy it while it lasts because there are worse things out there to upset the color our neighbor painted their house! Oh, don't EVEN get me started!

What is even better about this video is this.... Bridget and Lucas (they are the same difference in age! and Bridget still looks bigger than Scarlett!)


The Rogers said...

I think it is just girls, cause Emily is my hard one!! I don't have a lot to compare it to, but Emily was hard at the age Mordecai is at now. I fully believe they have "that time off the month" already. Ha ha

Jami said...

Oh, how I wish my baby was happy like that! I can't even lay him down hardly without him fussing. Or hold him. Or feed him. Or look at him. What kills me is he'll be up in the middle of the night for like 1-2 hours, happy as a clam, just content to be. Not so during the day. Please tell me this will pass! :C

Jen said...

Sooo cute!!! Even if she is naughty...

Courtney Lynn said...

Bridget wouldn't be Bridget if she weren't a little naughty. Lucas has to be a good boy because he's the only one! And Scarlett...what a pretty baby, she looks like Nathan to me, but I could be wrong.

Amanda Parker said...

I love the video of Lucas and Bridget. It reminds me that he was once chubby! LOL

Scarlett seems as calm as Bridget was at that age. Maybe she will be more mischievous than her big sister!

Lets hope not!

Auntie Veronica said...

So cute! I love that little rascal! What color did they paint it?!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.