Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I swear sometimes my kids have such a thick accent I can't even understand them! Today their accent was from Boston. "Chaaak!" Yes we are making chalk. "Oh Mommy I love Chaaak." Okay, lets get our towel aprons on and have at it.

They weren't as dark as I would have liked.

It was VERY messy but they turned out pretty good. I should have let them dry a little longer. We started this project after Nathan left at 6:45 am. We tried them out at 11:30am and they were still a little soft. I let the kids use them and then I pulled out the good ol' crayolas. I now have our extra chalk on reserves for things like the park or what ever else we decide to use them on. I also let them sit in the sun for a bit to really dry them out.
We spent most of the morning outside.

We had a great time coloring and playing outside again today!

I even managed to convince Lucas into letting me trace him! This was one of my favorite things to do when I played chalk outside as a kid.

Here is the recipe:


  • 1 cup Plaster of Paris
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • powdered tempera paint
  • Something to use as a mold *


Mix the water, Plaster of Paris and powdered tempera paint. The more tempera paint you add, the deeper the color of the chalk will be. Then pour the mixture into you mold.

Toilet Paper Roll: A toilet paper roll works as a mold. Just seal one end with duct tape and pour the mixture into the mold and let it dry. You can line the toilet paper roll with wax paper so that the chalk will easily slide out.

We used film canisters AND Mini M&M containers as well as the TP Rolls... this made the chalk skinner and easier to hold. Plus the plastic made it non-stick!

Another successful Art Tuesday...(Fist clenched and swinging up and down with knee in the air)...YES!


Anonymous said...

Lucas please draw me a big putting G R E E N and let Bridgey draw the ball !!!!!

Itty_Bitty_Wittes said...

I think that was my dad commenting...yea I am pretty sure!

Auntie Veronica said...

Is "anonymous" your dad? That looks too hard for me. I like instant gratification so I think I will either come over and play or make you make me some.

The Cleverley's said...

Wow that DOES look like a lot of work. I'm lame and buy the dollar store variety. Still it looks like fun!

Angie BBC said...

Are you for real? You really made you OWN chalk? How can any of us ever compete with you if you are so far ahead of us to begin with?

You Suck! ;) J/K

Danielle Smith said...

Very clever and cool, but like Chrystal, I would buy the stuff instead, haha. I am loving the dang aprons though! Well done, old girl! Well done, indeed!

Aaron and Amy said...

Where do you get these fun ideas?? You are amazing! I cant wait to do that with Jefrie!(i will have to wait a while though)

Melissa said...

Hey Valerie. You are such a go-getter! Congrats on your cuties! Sounds like all is well in the Witte department! :) Did you make those cool towel aprons?


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.