Sunday, April 12, 2009


Yesterday the kids got a box in the mail...

They got their Easter baskets from G'ma and G'pa Horn. Lucas was so excited he asked about the "hunting of the eggs." I told him he would have to wait until after dinner on Sunday.

Today we were going to hide the eggs but we were rained on so it will have to wait till tomorrow. I didn't tell the kids about it so its not that big of a deal. We don't do the Easter Bunny in our house so luckily he didn't ruin his fur hiding eggs at our house. I have a seek and find game that we will play instead. We all looked so cute in our Sunday best so I will post that with tomorrows pictures!


Angie BBC said...

So I don't think its fair that you look so skinny after having a baby. I think you look fantastic and I love your long hair. Its nice your parents send stuff to your kids.

The Rogers said...

We try to match every Sunday too. Well Mike gets up for Sunday morning meetings and then I dress the kids and myself to match him.I hope you had a great Easter and Birthday. When do you want to hang out?

Druciana said...

This was our first year doing the Easter Bunny because John is totally against it. Eric learned about the Easter Bunny last year in Kindergarten and was so disappointed last year that I just HAD to do something this year (much to the distain of my hubby).


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.