Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Fancy Feet

So after an exhausting day at the Pediatrician's to learn that we have to use steroids on Bridget's skin, we came home had sandwiches and took a nap. After nap we rode our bikes and played outside for about an hour and a half and then came inside to finish this week's Art Project.

Last night we painted Scarlett's pretty feet and turned them into something...

Then this afternoon we practiced our cutting skills. I like to draw lines on construction paper or old bills and let the kids practce their cutting. It takes them a really long time and they are slowly getting better at cutting in the lines! This is especially great for times when I need them to leave me alone so I can make dinner. Well dinners that require a lot of preperation! :)

Then after the millions of little scraps of paper were cleaned up the kids got to glue them into a collage. This project is simple and fun. With some of the scraps I had Bridget finish our actual project for this Tuesday's Art Project.

Which is...

Feet Flowers! You can also trace their feet and make a bunch of creations, but since Scarlett is quiet and doesn't make the type of fuss a toddler would make when painting feet she got to be the star of the project! :) Cute huh? Did I mention that she has HUGE feet? :)


Karin said...

You don't have to use steroids on your childs skin...I would suggest that you take her to see Dr. Ryan Gray out there in Westminster. He is a Chiropractor who specializes in Nutrition. It could be just something that she is missing or something as simple as getting too much of something. He has a couple of children of his own that have skin issues and he can control them with diet and supplements. I have seen it work!
Here is his #'s 303-469-5677 is his office. 303-335-5818 is his cell
Give him a call...he can help...especially if you are not liking the idea of giving your child steroids.
Scarlet's feet are so cute! I love baby feet!

Jami said...

Where do you get such cute creative ideas?

Aaron and Amy said...

that is so cute. you come up with the cutest ideas.

Laura said...

Wow...what's going on with Bridget? I love your ideas. You're the best mommy!

The Cleverley's said...

LOOOOOVE IT! I'm so totally in for art day in two weeks. Let me know how I can help. e-mail me info at fingaz70@hotmail.com!

ஐ*¨KRiSta¨*ஐ said...

I must say you are one of the most creative people I know. Super Cute Flower. Congrats on your new baby!

*jess* said...

what a fun projec to include all three of them!!!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.