Thursday, April 2, 2009


The day has finally come. The day that Lucas stopped asking me when Grandpa is coming. First it was the paper chain, then it was 2 more sleeps, and then today...I WANT TO GO TO THE AIRPORT!!!! I could finally say "OKAY!"

We picked him up at 4pm. Lucas had a lovely conversation with "his" Grandpa. Apparently Grandpa Witte is a "share" Grandpa since he has to share him with Noah. Haha

The conversation pretty much was about Lucas's favorite things like - chocolate, golfing, getting Stephanie, liking the trains, being a man and such. Grandpa listened and then he pulled out two Crunch Bars. Bridget was in the far back and Grandpa had to "chuck" the bar at her so she could have some. It landed on her shoulder and she looked at Grandpa like "I can't reach this, how dare you do this to me!" It was cute.

We came home and the kids automatically took a special liking to Grandpa. They first played balls....
Then we went to the park (at 5pm) Lovely Colorado had a nice 54 degree evening after our snow last night so we went to the park down our street....
We came home, I MADE dinner, which stinks because my dad is the best chef ever and everything I learned I learned from him, so technically HE should be COOKING for ME! Whatever! They played games....
We snuggled up and Grandpa read a few books and had hugging time...

It was a fun night. Oh! I almost forgot the whole reason he came - to see the beautiful Scarlett!
I love seeing my Dad's GIANT hands holding my newborns its so cute to me. :)
All this excitement and my kids were in bed by 8:30pm! I can only imagine what tomorrow will bring! I love my Dad, he's the greatest!


Aaron and Amy said...

how fun! i love that grandpa witte is a shared grandpa, thats hilarious. I teared up when i read the part about your dads giant hands holding newborns...its the hormones, im so sick of crying. oh and Im sorry you had to cook dinner.

Danielle Smith said...

First of all, you and your dad make many of the same faces. Second, Bridget looks freaked out of her mind going down the slide and I love it! Next, your dad is very young-looking. The last thing is Scarlett looks lovely!

The Cleverley's said...

Grandparents are AWESOME! That's so cool that he is so good with them. My kids have a "shared" grandpa, and one that is all theirs too! It's kinda cool that way.

Rachel said...

I love the pic of Scarlett in her carseat. She looks so cute

Jen said...

How so fun for you guys!!! I am sure that Lucas and Bridget were completely excited!!! Scarlett is adorable - I love the close-up face shot of her. Sorry about you having to make dinner too!

Auntie Veronica said...

My most favorite pictures are the one of Briggie on the slide and the one where your dad is maybe going to read to them (?) and Briggie is super excited. Ha ha. I do love how your kids have such expressive faces!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.