Friday, April 24, 2009


Well, I REALLY REALLY wanted to go to the zoo today but had no one to go with. :( I thought today would have been a good day because it was going to be 70 and breezy, but no one could go with me. I have to admit I only asked like 4 people but, who else is available on Friday at the last minute? Anyways...

I looked out the window this morning as we were all in our pajamas eating breakfast, and thought what could we do instead of going to the zoo? Lucas asked what instead meant. So I told him and he said "we could ride our bikes with no clothes on." Now I know this may sound fun to anyone under the age of 3-BUT-to me, I can only imagine what my neighbors would say as they were taking their kids to school and all 3 of us were outside riding bikes naked! In fact, I don't think I would really want to know what my neighbors would say if they saw me naked! Hahaha! When I told Lucas NO, there would be no naked bike riding, he said "Why cant you just try to be nice, Mom?" I said well instead of riding naked we could ride with our swimsuits on and play in the sprinklers. Bridget ran upstairs and grabbed her bathing suit (we just got it a few weeks ago) So that is what we did...

Then I told them to come inside for lunch and Lucas said "how about instead we eat outside" I said great idea. Then I said it was time for nap and Lucas said "how about instead we do not nap" I said nice try. He stuck out his bottom lip and I said after nap we can go back outside and play. This made him pretty happy. So we did. On our way inside the kids discovered something...


So we talked about them for a while and then they saw this funny bug...

ROLY POLYies!!! They thought they were so cool.
We then counted all of the bugs on the way into the house.

Scarlett just watched from the boppy on the porch...

I could tell she wanted to join us, but the water was a bit cold.
After nap Lucas wanted a tub like Keegan's so I filled up a cooler so they could play in that.

but really they just drank from it...GROSS!

When it was time to come inside and get ready for Daddy to come home
He said "how about instead we go to California"
I said what about Daddy?
He said "Grandpa Horn is not Daddy's Grandpa instead he can go to Grandpa Witte's"
I said Grandpa Witte is Daddy's Daddy.
He said "instead, I am tired of instead, I want to go inside and wait for my Daddy"
I said okay.

So that was our fun day
instead of the zoo!


Jeanette said...

Well you didn't ask me, 'cause that is where we were today!

The Rogers said...

You should of asked me, cause then you and your kids would of been free!! We have a Zoo pass, and you can go with us whenever.

Anonymous said...

Awww Maan! (as Lucas would say) I wish I were there because not only would I have gone with you, but I would have had a lot of fun! I miss my nephew and neices, and I know they miss their FAVORITE Auntie too. Well I guess there is always the next time we see each other.(Cali or Denver)

Favorite Auntie Stef said...

Umm just so we know to give credit where its due, I Auntie Steph published that comment.

The Cleverley's said...

That looks like a fun time INSTEAD of the zoo. I love that the weather is getting warm because playing outside ROCKS!

MJ said...

Too cute!!!

Rachel said...

looks like fun. Too bad it's going to be cold and rainy today. I am SO ready for summer.

Veronica said...

You didn't ask me either and we were also at the zoo today with Katina. You obviously did not call around enough!

RockstarMama said...

What a super fun day, I LOVE the pics! Makes me want to play outside in the sprinkler too.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.