Saturday, April 18, 2009

Six Weeks

She is such a great baby. I can't even tell you how happy I am that she is a part of our little family. She is now on 4oz every 4 hours, sleeps 6-7 hours at night. Takes 3 naps a day. Doesn't mind being poked and prodded by her older siblings. She loves her daddy and will only smile for him. Her favorite thing right now is the music in the papasan (thanks Jeanette) and the swing (thanks Stephanie) and the crib lights and sounds toy (thanks Horns) If it lights up and makes noise she is so content. I just thought I would show her off.
Happy Saturday!

(in the last picture we took her pants off so you could see that she kicks herself up to standing position almost like she is dancing!)


Courtney Lynn said...

You take great pictures, but I bet it isn't hard with 3 beautiful subjects!

I can't believe how big she is getting.

Liz and Cory said...

She loves to pose. She TOTALLY has Nathan's eyes. Can't wait to see her. She is the calmest kid of your yet and that says a lot. Cory says Bridgett is big, they are growing so much. It has already been 8 months since we've seen you. I think that is the longest i've gone and Cory is getting close to his longest too. Love you guys!

Danielle Smith said...

She is beautiful, as you already know! Looks like she's doing some Tae-bo! Work it girl! Although, I am thinking with her weight issues, perhaps she should stcik to just being alzy for a little while.
PS-code is geadomes which is kind of like gay domes. Which proves that the government wants to make gay domes for gay marriage! Appalling!!

Aaron and Amy said...

Soo precious! now that Lucy is here we all need another play date.


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.