Friday, April 17, 2009

When Life Hands You...

a day full of rain, then snow, then rain, then slush...make COOKIES!!!

We had a fun day planned and then it rained. So the first thing we did was get dressed and pulled out all of our games. Memory was the most fun for the kiddos.

In the middle of our game the power went out. So we pulled all of the blinds up and opened the curtains and continued to play our games with no television, no noise, it was so weird. Playing with the silent snow falling in the background.

We played Memory two different ways and then pulled out all of the other games.

When Scarlett woke up from nap #1 we fed her and then played with her a little. The kids also sang every song they knew to their little sister.

They took turns loving on her and kissing on her.

What I thought had been only 20 minutes turned into 3 hours of pure unplugged play. It was GREAT! I couldn't clean because we had no power so we embraced the sunlight a little longer and colored and cut and danced to our own music. I made peanut butter sandwiches because I didn't want to open the fridge and then it was time for nap. The house started to get really cold so I bundled into my bed while the kids were sleeping. I prayed that the power would come back on because it would be a Looooooooooong cold night without heat. I called Nathan with the last 2 minutes of power on my cell phone and told him about it and then all of a sudden the power went back on right after my cell died...go figure! So since this miracle of power seemed to be back to normal we decided with this crazy weather we would make cookies.

Bridget and I made cookies and Lucas who was all about Scarlett today read her some books. He told me that he would take care of his Baby Scarlett so she wouldn't bother me. I don't know where he got that but it was so funny to hear him say.

She totally watched him the whole time and cooed and was so quiet. I noticed that he was only reading her the Thomas books. I asked him why and he said it was important for every girl to know how important trains are. Haha.

It was a great day and I have to admit I liked having such a quiet day with the rarely happens you know with 3 kids under 3! :)


Jen said...

Sounds like you guys had a good day...that stinks that your power was out...can't wait for this snow stuff to be GONE!!!

The Cleverley's said...

Yeah what is up with this weather?!?!?!? I spent my day making stuff for a quarterly activity that make have to be canceled. Yuck! I wish we had made cookies instead.

Megan said...

Seriously - you are such an amazing, creative, positive mommy! I adore reading your blog and find you so inspiring!

Danielle Smith said...

That's where you were! It's all coming so clear now. I am glad that you didn't have to deal with a beeping smoke alarm with a dying battery! Bridget looks hot amd tempting in that Carter's romper! Lucas looks lean and green, which I love! And Scarlett, well, she is just adorable!! We must chat soon! Seeing as it is 2am, I am going to head off to bed! Ciao!

Courtney Lynn said...

How do you manage to stay so positive all of the time? I would go crazy but it seems like you are always up for the challenge!


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.