Friday, April 10, 2009

Witte Fun

@ our house! Last year Veronica had just had Elijah so we went there, and this year Scarlett joined us so they came to our house. The kids had a fun time playing, I made dinner and then we got to business. First we decorated sugar cookies...

But really, eating them is WAY more fun!

Clearly Nathan didn't like the way the kids were doing it so he had a little lesson...
In case you were wondering what happens to Bridget when the cookie is all gone...
(she turns into the incredible hulk!)
After that, we painted some eggs with glitter paint, and then dyed them the original way.
Except it was hard to do because Nathan put the wrong color tablet into the wrong colored egg. Urgh! :)

Bridget and Noah really liked dipping the eggs. Lucas wanted more cookies.

I think the pink dye bothered Lucas as much as it bothered was the weakest color!

After that the adults talked and the kids played. It was a great relaxed night! After Ryan and Veronica left Lucas asked why Scarlett didn't get to do it, and I told him because she was too little. Lucas and I showed Scarlett all of the eggs and before we put the kids to bed Lucas yells out his room "Don't worry baby Scarlett you can do it next time!" It was sweet!

I am glad they came over because we don't get together nearly enough and the kids really love to hang with their cousins! I am also fond of their parents. :)


Veronica and Ryan said...

When we were driving home Noah sighed and said "I really had a great time at Lucas' house mom." Elijah said "Waabwaa baaa maabwwaa."

Jami said...

Wow, Val! Lookin' good!

Hilary and Evan Biddulph said...

SOOOO Cute Valerie


About Me

We are just a bunch of ladies who get together on Thursdays and make a fabulous lunch and dessert and then we swap recipes while our children are running a muck throughout the house.